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Comment: 11192427 Work safely in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus

Image Removed Image Added

LicencesElectrical.Statement of Attainment- First Aid in an ESI EnvironmentFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first

    UET30512UET30512 ESI - Power Systems - Transmission OverheadCourse title and associated level to be listed on certificate to match the nominated coding and title within OnsiteFor overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:UET30612UET30612UET30612 Distribution
  • Document / Certificate / Number
  • No expiry
  • Accepted course codes:
    • UET30612
    • UET30206
    • UET30209
    • UETT30101
    • UTT30101
    • UTT30301
    • Electricity Supply Industry Distribution (Powerline)
  • UET30812
    Qualification.Certificate.Qualified Supervisor Certificate - Electrical Work
    • The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

      Expiry date = none
    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
    Network Operator.Certificate.Vegetation Worker In-field Audit

    • Ausgrid issued certificate: ‘CERTIFICATE OF INFIELD AUDIT COMPLIANCE’
    • Applicants name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant name that's registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
    • Business Name on Certificate to match the organisation registered.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
    • The attached document can be accepted in the interim.
    • Issue Date = as per certification
    • Expiry Date = 12 months after issue date
    • Interim Document =  2 week validity period. i.e. expires 2 weeks after submitted

    View file
    nameVeg In-Field Audit Placeholder - V1.pdf

    Electrical.Certificate of Attendance.Proof of attending the initial Electrical Safety Rules Course

    For Pegasus LMS Issued Certificate:

    • Applicants name to be shown on documentationApplicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)

    Required evidence to be uploaded is a form of acceptable evidence that is acceptable for any of the following competencies respective business rules:

    • Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRRF09B - Apply access procedures to work on or near electrical network infrastructure OR;
    • Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRRF01 - Apply ESI safety rules, codes of practice and procedures for work OR;
    • Network Operator.Certificate.I0102 - Ausgrid - Environmental Awareness
    • Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Certificate will show completion of: Electrical Safety Rules Initial
    • Certificate will show both Pegasus and Ausgrid Logos
    • Date of completion will be shown

    For the Skills Passport:

    Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:

    Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicant’s photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant

    Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows all Ausgrid competencies – F01, F09 AND Environmental Awareness and/or ESR Initial as having been achieved with:

      • Ausgrid / Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
      • Date of Training
      • Trainer / Assessor Name
      • Signature

    NOTE: From 28.10.2020 if there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainer’s name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved:

    • Record the Issue date within Onsite:
      • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Electrical.Certificate III.UEE30811 - Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
  • Applicants name to be shown on documentation
  • Applicants name must match II.Asset Inspection and Testing
    •  Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that is registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher can be ' is accepted)Recognised Training Institution name to be displayed on document.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
    • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment.
    • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted course codesCourse Titles / Codes:
    • UEE30811UET20621
    • UTE31199
    • Document / Certificate / NumberUET20619
    • UET20612
    • No expiry
    • Record the Issue date within Onsite:
      • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.
    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Expiry date = none

    Electrical.Certificate III.UEE30811 - Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
    • Applicants name to be shown on documentation
    • Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
    • Recognised Training Institution name to be displayed on document
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted course codes:
      • UEE30811
      • UTE31199
    • Document / Certificate / Number
    • No expiry
    • Record the Issue date within Onsite:
      • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date



    Electrical.Certificate III.

    UET30512 - Certificate III in ESI - Power Systems -

    Transmission Overhead

    • Applicants name to be shown on documentation
    • Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
    • Recognised Training Institution name to be displayed on document
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Course title and associated level to be listed on certificate to match the nominated coding and title within Onsite
    • Document / Certificate / Number
    • No expiry

    For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

    • Record the Issue date within Onsite:
      • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Certificate II in ESI - Powerline Vegetation Control
    Electrical.Certificate III.UET30612 - Certificate III in ESI - Power Systems - Distribution
    • Applicants name to be shown on documentation
    • Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
    • Recognised Training Institution name to be displayed on document
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayedCourse title and associated level to be listed on certificate to match the nominated coding and title within Onsite
    • Accepted course codes:
      • UET30612
      • UET30206
      • UET30209
      • UETT30101
      • UTT30101
      • UTT30301
      • UET30619
      • UET30621
      • Electricity Supply Industry Distribution (Powerline)
    • Document / Certificate / Number
    • No expiry
    • Record the Issue date within Onsite:
      • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    Electrical.Certificate III.UET30812 - Certificate III

    Certificate II in ESI -

    Power Systems - Distribution Cable Jointing
  • Applicants name to be shown on documentation
  • Applicants name must match

    Powerline Vegetation Control

      • Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that is registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher
      can be
      • ' is accepted
      )Recognised Training Institution name to be displayed on document
      • .
      • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
      • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
      • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
      • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
      • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
      Accepted course code/s:
      • UTT30301 - Certificate III in ESI - Cable Jointing (Powerline)

      • UET30812 - Certificate III in ESI - Power Systems - Distribution Cable Jointing
      • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Course title and associated level to be listed on certificate to match the nominated coding and title within Onsite
    • Document / Certificate / Number
    • No expiry
    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    Electrical.Certificate III.UET30812 - Certificate III in ESI - Power Systems - Distribution Cable Jointing
    • Applicants name to be shown on documentation
    • Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
    • Recognised Training Institution name to be displayed on document
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Accepted course code/s:
      • UETTDRVC25 UTT30301 - Certificate III in ESI - Cable Jointing (Powerline)

      • UET30812 - Certificate III in ESI - Power Systems - Distribution Cable Jointing
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Course title and associated level to be listed on certificate to match the nominated coding and title within Onsite
    • Document / Certificate / Number
    • No expiry

    For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.Booking confirmation Electrical Statement of Attainment - First Aid in an ESI Environment

    When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded:

    • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing 
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • RTO Name, Code and Logo
    • Units of competency code and name, date booked for
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training

    When Licence is uploaded:

    displayed on uploaded evidence and to match applicants registered name
  • ‘Electrician’ or similar to be listed
  • Screenshots from websites are not accepted - Must be copy of the Licence
  • Must be issued by a relevant Australian state government authority  with corresponding logo shown on licence EG NSW Department of Fair Trading
  • Black and white or coloured copy of evidence can be accepted
  • Supervisor licence can be accepted for the Electrical Contractor licence
  • When Invoice (For new contractor Licence) has been uploaded:

    • Applicants name to be displayed on uploaded evidence and to match applicants registered name
    • ‘Electrician’ or similar to be listed
    • Date of receipt to be displayed on the invoice
    • Contractor number to be displayed on document
    • Must be issued by relevant state government authority
    • Black and white or coloured copy of evidence can be accepted
    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples





    Certificate.Qualified Supervisor Certificate - Electrical Work

    • Applicants name to be
    When Licence is uploaded:
    • Expiry Date = The date of expiration on the evidence

    When Invoice (For new contractor Licence) has been uploaded:

    • The date of expiration on the evidence should be recorded as the date which is calculated to be 4x weeks from the date of renewal completion
    titleStatement of Attainment
    • shown on documentation
    • Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
    • Recognised Training Institution name to be displayed on document
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Course title and associated level to be listed on certificate to match the nominated coding and title within Onsite
    • Document / Certificate / Number
    • No expiry

    For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Electrical.Certificate III. Certificate III in ESI - Distribution Underground
    •  Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that's registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
  • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    Note: Unit Code UETDRRF007 Supersedes and is equivalent to UETTDRRF10
  • Date certificate issued
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
  • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
  • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.
  • From 17/9/2021 Tafe NSW will issue interim Knwledge assesment ( see example document labelled SOA Tafe NSW)
  • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    For the Skills Passport:

  • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:
      • Applicant Name
      • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
  • Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘UETTDRRF10’ as having been achieved with:
      • Any Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with this unit of competency on scope. RTO registration must have been current at the time of training completion
      • Date of Training
      • Trainer / Assessor Name
      • Signature
      • RTO stamp (RTO name and number must be visible)
  • Upon verification; an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification

    Statement of Attainment:

    Image Removed

    Skills Passport:

    Image Removed


    Image Removed

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.Booking confirmation  – Testing of Connections to LV Electricity Networks

    When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded:

    • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing 
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • RTO Name, Code and Logo
    • Units of competency code and name, date booked for
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    Electrical.Statement of Attainment – Testing of Connections to LV Electricity NetworksFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first
    • accepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
    • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
    • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
      • UET30821 - Certificate III in ESI - Distribution Underground
      • UET30812 - Certificate III in ESI - Power Systems - Distribution Cable Jointing
      • UET30819 - Certificate III in ESI - Power Systems - Distribution Cable Jointing
      • UET30409 - Certificate III in ESI - Cable Jointing
      • UET30406 - Certificate III in ESI - Cable Jointing
      • Electricity Supply Industry Cable Jointing (Power Line)
    • Pegasus Document / Certificate / Number
    • No expiry
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.
    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
  • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
  • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
  • The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Expiry date = none

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.Perform a ground-based tree defect evaluation

    •  Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that's registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
  •  Name of Applicant
  • Units of competency code and name, date completed
  • Date certificate issued
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
  • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
  • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.
  • From 17/9/2021 Tafe NSW will issue interim Knwledge assesment ( see example document labelled SOA Tafe NSW)
  • Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification


    Image Removed

    AnchorUETTDREL13 UETTDREL13 Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDREL13 - Comply with environmental and incidental response proceduresFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • accepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
    • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
    • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
      • AHCARB408
      • AHCARB403
    • No expiry
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

     NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    For the Skills Passport:

    • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:
        • Applicant Name
        • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘UETTDRRF11’ as having been achieved with:
        • Ausgrid / Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
        • Date of Training
        • Trainer / Assessor Name
        • Signature

    The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Expiry date = none


    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

    When Licence is uploaded:

    • Applicants name to be displayed on uploaded evidence and to match applicants registered name
    • ‘Electrician’ or similar to be listed
    • Screenshots from websites are not accepted - Must be copy of the Licence
    • Must be issued by a relevant Australian state government authority with corresponding logo shown on licence EG NSW Department of Fair Trading
    • Black and white or coloured copy of evidence can be accepted
    • Supervisor licence can be accepted for the Electrical Contractor licence
    • Screenshots of valid Licence from mobile app or can be accepted

    When Invoice (For new contractor Licence) has been uploaded:

    • Applicants name to be displayed on uploaded evidence and to match applicants registered name
    • ‘Electrician’ or similar to be listed
    • Date of receipt to be displayed on the invoice
    • Contractor number to be displayed on document
    • Must be issued by relevant state government authority
    • Black and white or coloured copy of evidence can be accepted
    • Screenshots of valid Licence from mobile app can be accepted but must be verified on the website
    When Licence is uploaded:
    • Expiry Date = The date of expiration on the evidence

    When Invoice (For new contractor Licence) has been uploaded:

    • The date of expiration on the evidence should be recorded as the date which is calculated to be 4x weeks from the date of renewal completion

    titleStatement of Attainment

    first acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
  •  Name of Applicant
  • Units of competency code and name, date completed
  • Date certificate issued
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
  • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
  • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
  • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment Record the Issue date within Onsite:Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)UETTDREL14Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDREL16 - Working safely near live electrical apparatus
    • Applicants name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant name that's registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
    • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
      • UETDRDU015
      • UETTDRCJ26
      • UETTDRCJ26A
      • UETTDRCJ06B
      • UETTDRCJ06A
    • Passport document showing stamp for Underground Services Cat 2
    • Tafe issued certificate displaying 'Underground Service Mains – Installation (Cat 2) Code – 31755’
    • Tafe issued certificate or transcript displaying '7793BS - Cable jointing 1 - LV Polymeric' and '7793BT - Cable jointing 2 - HV Polymeric'
    • No expiry
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

     For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

    NOTE: If there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainers name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved

    ElectricalExpiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4-week expiry for this documentation).UETTDRRF01


    NOTE: All ASP1 authorisations - Ausgrid’s Electrical Safety Rules UETTDRRF01 training is to be delivered through Ausgrid’s Training Group only. Training provided by another RTO or Distributor will not be recognised.

    NOTE: All ASP2 authorisations - must complete their initial Ausgrid Electrical Safety Rules UETTDRRF01 training with Ausgrid’s Training Group. After the initial training, the annual refresher training can be completed with Ausgrid’s Training Group or a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) approved to deliver the Ausgrid aligned Electrical Safety Rules UETTDRRF01 training.

    Where an individual holds both Level 1 & Level 2 ASP authorisations, Ausgrid delivered Electrical Safety Rules UETTDRRF01 must be delivered through Ausgrid’s Training Group only
    • accepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
    • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment.
    • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
    • UETDRAI005
    • UETTDREL17
    • No expiry
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

    NOTE: RPL can be accepted for this competency

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details.

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment- Perform Pole Top Rescue LV Release & Rescue from an EWP

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRRF07 - Perform cable pit/trench/excavation rescueFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
  •  Name of Applicant
  • Units of competency code and name, date completed
  • Date certificate issued
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
  • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
  • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
  • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment UETTDRRF08B - CCD Release & Rescue from an EWPFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
  •  Name of Applicant
  • Units of competency code and name, date completed
  • Date certificate issued
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
  • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
  • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.
    From 17/9/2021 Tafe NSW will issue interim Knwledge assesment ( see example document labelled SOA Tafe NSW)

    all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment- Apply access procedures to work on or near electrical network infrastructure

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • Applicants name to be shown on document‘UETTDRRF09 or UETTDRRF09B ’ or 'Apply Access Procedures' or 'Network Access Procedures' as having been achieved with:
        • Ausgrid / Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
        • Date of Training
        • Trainer / Assessor Name
        • Signature

    NOTE: Course code has changed to UETDRMP001 - Apply access authority procedures to work on or near electrical apparatus

    For Pegasus LMS Issued Certificate:

    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.
    • From 17/9/2021 Tafe NSW will issue interim Knwledge assesment ( see example document labelled SOA Tafe NSW)

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    For the Skills Passport:

    • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:
        • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘UETTDRRF09 or UETTDRRF09B ’ or 'Apply Access Procedures' or 'Network Access Procedures' as having been achieved with:
        • Ausgrid / Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
        • Date of Training
        • Trainer / Assessor Name
        • Signature
    For Pegasus LMS Issued Certificate:
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Certificate will show completion of either: Electrical Safety Rules Initial OR Electrical Safety Rules Refresher
  • Certificate will show both Pegasus and Ausgrid Logos
  • Date of completion will be shown

    NOTE: From 28.10.20220 if there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainers name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved:

    Image Removed

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Certificate will show completion of either: Electrical Safety Rules Initial OR Electrical Safety Rules Refresher
    • Certificate will show both Pegasus and Ausgrid Logos
    • Date of completion will be shown

    NOTE: From 28.10.20220 if there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainers name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved:

    Image Added

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRVC23 - Plan for the removal of vegetation up to veg exclusion zone near live electrical apparFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an is listed please enter this as the issue date
    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRVC24  Assess vegetation and recommend control measures in an ESI environment  For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
  •  Name of Applicant
  • Units of competency code and name, date completed
  • Date certificate issued
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
  • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
  • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
  • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    Date in Pegasus

    Expiry date = noneUETTDRVC27
    • unit code
    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRVC32 - Use specialised plant to cut vegetation above ground level near live electrical apparaFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
  •  Name of Applicant
  • Units of competency code and name, date completed
  • Date certificate issued
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
  • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
  • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
  • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.= noneElectrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRVC34   Undertake release & rescue from a tree near live electrical apparatusFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

      document is issued (4-week expiry for this documentation).

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRVC33 - Apply pruning techniques to vegetation control near live electrical apparatus and

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    For the Skills Passport:

    • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:
    • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘UETTDRVC34’ as having been achieved with:
        • Ausgrid / Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
        • Date of Training
        • Trainer / Assessor Name
        • Signature
    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
  • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
  • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
  • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Environmental.Statement of Attainment.AHCSAW201 - Conduct erosion and sediment control activitiesFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name Electrical. Certificate III. Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
    CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.Booking confirmation Electrical Statement of Attainment - First Aid in an ESI Environment

    When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded:

    • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing 
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    • Applicants name to be shown on documentApplicants name on document must match cardholders registered name
    • RTO Name, Code and Logo
    • Units of competency code and name, date booked for
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment- First Aid in an ESI Environment

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

    • Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that is registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of
    • names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is
    • accepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
    • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
    • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
      • UETDRRF007
      • UETTDRRF10 (Completion date must be prior to 20/09/2022)
    • 12-month expiry
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements

     For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Issue date - If only an issue date is listed, please enter this as the issue date

    UETTDREL14Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4-week expiry for this documentation).

    Statement of Attainment:

    Image Added

    Skills Passport:

    Image Added


    Image Added

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDREL14 - Working safely near live electrical apparatus as a non electrical worker Applicants name Booking confirmation  – Testing of Connections to LV Electricity Networks

    When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded:

    • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing 
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • RTO Name, Code and Logo
    • Units of competency code and name, date booked for
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment. Joint, terminate and maintain low voltage underground polymeric cable

    •  Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant applicant’s name that's registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.

    Accepted Form/s of Evidence:

    1. Statement of Attainment OR Transcript showing completion of UETTDREL14 that is issued by an RTO
    2. Statement of Attainment OR Transcript showing UETTDREL16 - This is considered equivalent/higher qualification

    RPL'ed units on transcript are acceptable

    Statement of Attainment must comply with ASQA Requirements per:

     RTO Training Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    2. Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport

    • Uploaded document must include page of passport that shows ‘UETTDREL14A' OR  'UETTDREL14A OR 'UETTDREL16 ' Working safely near live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker’ as having been achieved with:
      • Ausgrid or Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
      • being shown on this page
      • Date of Training
      • Trainer / Assessor Name & Signature
      • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
  • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
  • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
  • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification


    The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Expiry date = none

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment – Testing of Connections to LV Electricity NetworksFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.

    Accepted Form/s of Evidence:

    1. Statement of Attainment OR Transcript showing UETTDREL16

    RPL'ed units on transcript are acceptable

    • acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
    with this unit of competency on scope can issue the qualification. RTO registration must have been current at the time of
    • ** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document

    Statement of Attainment must comply with ASQA Requirements per:

    NOTE:  RTO Training
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    • From 17/9/2021 Tafe NSW will issue interim Knwledge assesment ( see example document labelled SOA Tafe NSW)

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code2.

    For the Skills Passport:

    • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:
        • Applicant Name
        • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘UETTDREL16 - Working safely near live electrical apparatus’ ‘UETTDRRF11 or UETTDRRF11A’ as having been achieved with:
        • Ausgrid
      • or
        • / Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
        • Date of Training
        • Trainer / Assessor Name
      • & Signature

    3. RTO issued Card or Certificate showing completion of course in Working Safely Near overhead and underground assets

    Upon verification; an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.
        • Signature

    NOTE: If there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainers name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date : Not Required
    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial
    • to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification





    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.

    UETTDREL17 - Operate asset inspection machinery and equipment near live electrical apparatus

    UETTDREL13 - Comply with environmental and incidental response procedures

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
      • UETDREL002

      • UETTDREL13

    NOTE: RPL can be accepted for this competency

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment. UETTDREL18 - Inspect and treat poles and inspect electrical apparatus

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name

    Work safely in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker 

    •  Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that's registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.
    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment
    • is accepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
    • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
    • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
      • UETDREL006
      • UETDREL005
      • UETDREL004
      • UETTDREL14
      • UETTDREL14A
      • UETTDREL16
      • UETTDREL16A
      • UETTDREL04B
      • UETTDREL04A
    • 12-month expiry
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
  • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
  • The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Issue date - If only an issue date is listed, please enter this as the issue date


    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.

    UETTDREL19 - Identify & interpret characteristics of elec apparatus associated with power industry 
    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name

    Work safely in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus

    •  Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that's registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTOaccepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
    • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
    • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
      • UETDREL005
      • UETTDREL14
      • UETTDREL14A
      • UETTDREL16
      • UETTDREL16A
      • UETTDREL04B
      • UETTDREL04A
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
  • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
  • The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Issue date - If only an issue date is listed, please enter this as the issue date


    Electrical.Statement of Attainment

    .UETTDRRF01 - Apply ESI safety rules, codes of practice and procedures for work

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

    Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name

    - Use asset inspection equipment


    •  Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that is registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of
    • names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  • RTO Name, Code and Logo
  • Name of Applicant
  • Accepted units of competency:
    • UETTDRRF01
    • UETSS00019
    • UETSS00037
    • From 17/9/2021 Tafe NSW will issue interim Knwledge assesment ( see example document labelled SOA Tafe NSW)
    titleAdditional BR information for ASP pending data only; Not Ausgrid Partners

    The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Expiry date = none

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDREL17 - Operate asset inspection machinery and equipment near live electrical apparatus

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDREL18 - Inspect and treat poles and inspect electrical apparatus

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
      • UETTDREL18
      • UETDRAI001 

    NOTE: RPL can be accepted for this competency

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDREL19 - Identify & interpret characteristics of elec apparatus associated with power industry 

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
    • UETDRAI002 - Inspect poles, hardware and electrical apparatus.
    • No expiry
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

    NOTE: RPL can be accepted for this competency

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Expiry date = none

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRRF01 - Apply ESI safety rules, codes of practice and procedures for work

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    • RTO Name, Code and Logo
    • Name of Applicant
    • Accepted units of competency:
      • UETTDRRF01 - Issued by Aurecon is accepted. Please see the attached example.
      • UETDRMP002 - ESI safety rules for work on, near or in the vicinity of electrical apparatus

      • UETSS00019
      • UETSS00037
    • From 17/9/2021 Tafe NSW will issue interim Knwledge assesment ( see example document labelled SOA Tafe NSW)
    titleAdditional BR information for ASP pending data only; Not Ausgrid Partners

    NOTE: All ASP1 authorisations - Ausgrid’s Electrical Safety Rules UETTDRRF01 training is to be delivered through Ausgrid’s Training Group only. Training provided by another RTO or Distributor will not be recognised.

    NOTE: All ASP2 authorisations - must complete their initial Ausgrid Electrical Safety Rules UETTDRRF01 training with Ausgrid’s Training Group. After the initial training, the annual refresher training can be completed with Ausgrid’s Training Group or a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) approved to deliver the Ausgrid aligned Electrical Safety Rules UETTDRRF01 training.

    TAFE certificates supplied for ASP2 must state 800- 0326W Ausgrid ESR and course code UETTDRRF01 marked as satisfactory.

    Where an individual holds both Level 1 & Level 2 ASP authorisations, Ausgrid delivered Electrical Safety Rules UETTDRRF01 must be delivered through Ausgrid’s Training Group only

    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)

    **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document

    • Statement of Attainment or training cards provided by an external RTO must indicate that the Ausgrid aligned version of ‘UETTDRRF01 - Apply ESI safety rules, codes of practice and procedures for work’ has been completed.

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    NOTE: Course code has changed to UETDRMP002 - ESI safety rules for work on, near or in the vicinity of electrical apparatus

    For the Skills Passport:

    Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:

    Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant

    Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows UETTDRRF01 or ESI Safety Rules or ESR as having been achieved with:

      • Ausgrid / Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
      • Date of Training
      • Trainer / Assessor Name
      • Signature

    NOTE: From 28.10.20220 if there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainers name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved:

    Image Added

    NOTE: Course code has changed to UETDRMP002 - ESI safety rules for work on, near or in the vicinity of electrical apparatus

    For Pegasus LMS Issued Certificate:

    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Certificate will show completion of either: Electrical Safety Rules Initial OR Electrical Safety Rules Refresher
    • Certificate will show both Pegasus and Ausgrid Logos
    • Date of completion will be shown
    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    lectrical.Statement of Attainment - Perform Pole Top Rescue or Booking confirmation

    When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded:

    • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing 
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • RTO Name, Code and Logo
    • Units of competency code and name, date booked for
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training


    Electrical.Statement of Attainment - Perform Pole Top Rescue 

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    NOTE: Cards
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Statement of Attainment or training cards provided by an external RTO must indicate that the Ausgrid aligned version of ‘UETTDRRF01 - Apply ESI safety rules, codes of practice and procedures for work’ has been completed.
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    • From 17/9/2021 Tafe NSW will issue interim Knwledge assesment ( see example document labelled SOA Tafe NSW)

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    For the Skills Passport:

    • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:
        • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows
    UETTDRRF01 or ESI Safety Rules or ESR 
    • UETTDRRF02’ or 'UETDRRF003' as having been achieved with:
        • Ausgrid / Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
        • Date of Training
        • Trainer / Assessor Name
        • Signature

    NOTE: From 28.10.20220 if If there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainers name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved:Image Removed

    For Pegasus LMS Issued Certificate:

    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Certificate will show completion of either: Electrical Safety Rules Initial OR Electrical Safety Rules Refresher
    • Certificate will show both Pegasus and Ausgrid Logos
    • Date of completion will be shown
    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    lectricalElectrical.Statement of Attainment - Perform Pole Top Rescue LV Release & Rescue from an EWP or Booking confirmation

    When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded:

    • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing 
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • RTO Name, Code and Logo
    • Units of competency code and name, date booked for
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training


    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

    • Applicants Applicant’s name to should be shown on documentApplicants name on document must match cardholders registered name displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that is registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.
      From 17/9/2021 Tafe NSW will issue interim Knwledge assesment ( see example document labelled SOA Tafe NSW)accepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
    • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
    • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
      • UETDRRF002
      • UETTDRRF03 (Completion date must be prior to 20/09/2022)
    • 12-month expiry
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements

     For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    For the Skills Passport:

    • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:
        • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘UETTDRRF02’ or 'UETDRRF003' as having been achieved with:
        • Ausgrid / Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
        • Date of Training
        • Trainer / Assessor Name
        • Signature
    Record the Issue date within Onsite:Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

    The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Issue date - If only an issue date is listed, please enter this as the issue date

    Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4-week expiry for this documentation).Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification
    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRRF03 - LV Release & Rescue from an EWP or UETTDRRF04 - Perform tower rescue Or Booking confirmation

    When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded:

    • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing 
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • RTO Name, Code and Logo
    • Units of competency code and name, date booked for
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRRF03 - LV Release & Rescue from an EWPUETTDRRF04 - Perform tower rescue

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.
      From 17/9/2021 Tafe NSW will issue interim Knwledge assesment ( see example document labelled SOA Tafe NSW)an RTO.

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    For the Skills Passport:

    • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:
    • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘UETTDRRF03as having been achieved with:
        • Ausgrid / Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
        • Date of Training
        • Trainer / Assessor Name
        • Signature

    of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRRF04 UETTDRRF05 - Perform tower rescue Or Rescue from Switchyard Structures at Heights  Or Booking confirmation

    When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded:

    • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing 
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • RTO Name, Code and Logo
    • Units of competency code and name, date booked for
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRRF04 UETTDRRF05 - Perform tower rescueRescue from Switchyard Structures at Heights

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRRF05 .Booking confirmation- Perform Rescue from Switchyard Structures at Heights  Or Booking confirmationrescue from a live LV panel

    When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded:

    • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing 
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • RTO Name, Code and Logo
    • Units of competency code and name, date booked for
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRRF05 - Perform Rescue from Switchyard Structures at Heights

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
  •  Name of Applicant
  • Units of competency code and name, date completed
  • Date certificate issued
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
  • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
  • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
  • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.


    Electrical.Statement of Attainment. - Perform rescue from a live LV panel

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

    •  Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that is registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
    • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
    • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
      • UETDRRF004
      • UETTDRRF06 (Completion date must be prior to 20/09/2022)
    • 12-month expiry
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements

     For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)

    The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Issue date - If only an issue date is listed, please enter this as the issue date

    Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4-week expiry for this documentation).
    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.Booking confirmationUETTDRRF07 - Perform rescue from a live LV panelcable pit/trench/excavation rescue or Booking confirmation

    When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded:

    • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing 
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • RTO Name, Code and Logo
    • Units of competency code and name, date booked for
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRRF07 - Perform rescue from a live LV panel cable pit/trench/excavation rescue

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.
      From 17/9/2021 Tafe NSW will issue interim Knwledge assesment ( see example document labelled SOA Tafe NSW).

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    For the Skills Passport:

    • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:
    • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘UETDRRF004 or UETTDRRF06as having been achieved with:
        • Any Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with this unit of competency on scope. RTO registration must have been current at the time of training completion
        • Date of Training
        • Trainer / Assessor Name
        • Signature
        • RTO stamp (RTO name and number must be visible)
    Record the Issue date within Onsite:Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRRF07 - Perform cable pit/trench/excavation rescue or Booking confirmation

    When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded:

    • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing 
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • RTO Name, Code and Logo
    • Units of competency code and name, date booked for
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    UETTDRRF07UETTDRRF07Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    Electrical.Statement of Attainment UETTDRRF08B - CCD Release & Rescue from an EWP or Booking confirmation

    When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded:

    • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing 
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • RTO Name, Code and Logo
    • Units of competency code and name, date booked for
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    UETTDRRF08BUETTDRRF08BRecord the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment  - CCD Release & Rescue from an EWP or Booking confirmation

    When Booking Confirmation is Uploaded:

    • This competency now accepts a Booking confirmation for the course they are completing 
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • RTO Name, Code and Logo
    • Units of competency code and name, date booked for
    • For Booking Confirmation documents the expiry date is to be an end date of the Ausgrid Training

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment UETTDRRF08B - CCD Release & Rescue from an EWP

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    • From 17/9/2021 Tafe NSW will issue interim Knwledge assesment ( see example document labelled SOA Tafe NSW)

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    For the Skills Passport:

    • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:
    • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows ‘UETTDRRF08B’ as having been achieved with:
        • Ausgrid / Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
        • Date of Training
        • Trainer / Assessor Name
        • Signature

    NOTE: If there is a signed sticker instead of a stamp with the trainers name with the relevant competency listed, it can be approved

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification


    Electrical.Statement of Attainment- Apply access procedures to work on or near electrical network infrastructure

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    • From 17/9/2021 Tafe NSW will issue interim Knwledge assesment ( see example document labelled SOA Tafe NSW)
    •  Additional BR information for ASP pending data only; Not Ausgrid Partners

      NOTE: All ASP1 authorisations - Ausgrid’s Electrical Safety Rules UETTDRRF09 training is to be delivered through Ausgrid’s Training Group only. Training provided by another RTO or Distributor will not be recognised.

      NOTE: All ASP2 authorisations - must complete their initial Ausgrid Electrical Safety Rules UETTDRRF09 training with Ausgrid’s Training Group. After the initial training, the annual refresher training can be completed with Ausgrid’s Training Group or a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) approved to deliver the Ausgrid aligned Electrical Safety Rules UETTDRRF09 training.

      TAFE certificates supplied for ASP2 must state 800- 0326W Ausgrid ESR and course code UETTDRRF09 marked as satisfactory.

      Where an individual holds both Level 1 & Level 2 ASP authorisations, Ausgrid delivered Electrical Safety Rules UETTDRRF09 must be delivered through Ausgrid’s Training Group only

    • Statement of Attainment or training cards provided by an external RTO must indicate that the Ausgrid aligned version of ‘UETTDRRF09 - Apply access procedures to work on or near electrical network infrastructure’ has been completed.

    NOTE: Course code has changed to UETDRMP001 - Apply access authority procedures to work on or near electrical apparatus

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    For the Skills Passport:

    • Australian Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) issued skills passport is accepted. It must show:
        • Must include either a page of the passport document that shows the applicants name OR include a copy of the applicants photo identification card that shows their name within the uploaded file as a declaration that the stamped page of the passport does belong to this applicant
    • Uploaded document must also include page of passport that shows
    ‘UETTDRRF08B’ as having been achieved with:
      • Ausgrid / Energy Australia stamp being shown on this page
      • Date of Training
      • Trainer / Assessor Name
      • Signature
    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification

  • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
  • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    UETTDRRF09UETTDRRF09Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.Control vegetation in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus from within the tree

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

    • Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that's registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
    • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
    • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
      • UETDRVC006
    • UETTDRVC21 (Completion date must be prior to 20/09/2022)
    • 12-month expiry
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

     For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Pegasus Staff click here to read additional crucial business rule information prior to file verification

    Image RemovedSOA TAFE NSW
    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRVC21 Use climbing techniques to cut vegetation UETTDRVC23 - Plan for the removal of vegetation up to veg exclusion zone near live electrical apparatusappar
    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.Assess vegetation in an electricity supply industry environment

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

    •  Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that is registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
    • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
    • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
      • UETDRVC002
      • UETTDRVC24
      • UETTDRVC24A
      • UETTDRVC04B
      • UETTDRVC04A
    • No expiry
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

     For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code


    The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue

    date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.Control vegetation in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus from an elevated work platform

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
      • Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that is registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
      • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
      • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
      • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
      • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
      • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
      • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
      • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
        • UETDRVC004
      • UETTDRVC25 (Completion date must be prior to 20/09/2022)
      • 12-month expiry
      • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

       For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

      NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

      NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code
    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
  • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
  • The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Issue date - If only an issue date is listed, please enter this as the issue

    dateImage Removed


    Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4-week expiry for this documentation).
    Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.





    Electrical.Statement of Attainment

    .UETTDRVC25 Use EWP to cut above ground vegetation near live electrical apparatus
    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
  •  Name of Applicant
  • Units of competency code and name, date completed
  • Date certificate issued
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
  • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
  • .Control vegetation in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus from ground level

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
      • Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that is registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
      • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
      • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
      • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment.
      • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
      • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
      • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
      • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
        • UETDRVC005
      • UETTDRVC26
      • No expiry
      • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

       For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

      NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

      NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code
    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
  • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
  • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
  • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Expiry date = none





    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.

    UETTDRVC26 Cut vegetation at ground near live electrical apparatus
    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
  •  Name of Applicant
  • Units of competency code and name, date completed
  • Date certificate issued
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
  • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
  • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.
    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    Monitor vegetation control work in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
      • Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that's registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
      • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
      • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
      • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
      • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
      • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
      • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
      • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
        • UETDRVC009
        • UETTDRVC27
        • UETTDRVC27A
        • UETTDRVC07B
        • UETTDRVC07A
      • No expiry
      • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

       For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

      NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised
    unit code
    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued (4 week expiry for this documentation).

    The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Expiry date = none

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.

    UETTDRVC27 - Monitor safety compliance for vegetation control work in an ESI environment

    UETTDRVC31 Operate specialised plant & equipment at ground level near live electrical apparatus 

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRVC31 Operate Use specialised plant & equipment at ground level near live electrical apparatus to cut vegetation above ground in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name :
    •  Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that is registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.' is accepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
    • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
    • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
      • UETDRVC011
      • UETTDRVC32
      • UETTDRVC32A
    • No expiry
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

     For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code


    The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Expiry date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.Perform rescue from within a tree in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus

          •  Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that is registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
          • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
          • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
          • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
          • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
          • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
          • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
          • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
          • UETDRVC010
          • UETTDRVC34 (Completion date must be prior to 20/09/2022)
          • 12-month expiry
          • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

       For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

      NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary
    • NOTE

          : Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code
    • The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

      Issue date - If only an issue date is listed, please enter this as the issue date

      Expiry date to be recorded as 1 year from date of completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment

    evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code
    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    Electrical.Statement of Attainment. Control vegetation using pruning techniques

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

    • Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that is registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
    • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
    • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted Course Titles / Codes:
      • UETDRVC007
      • UETTDRVC33
      • UETTDRVC33A
    • No expiry
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

     For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details


    is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Expiry date = none

    Environmental.Statement of Attainment.AHCSAW201 - Conduct erosion and sediment control activities

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    • Applicant’s name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant’s name that's registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    •  RTO Name, Code and Logo
    •  Name of Applicant
    • Units of competency code and name, date completed
    • Date certificate issued
    • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
    • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
    • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
    • There is no expiry date on a Statement of Attainment or Transcript.
    • **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document
    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is an RTO.

    NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Record the Issue date within Onsite:
    • Completion date - if listed on certificate (this completion date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue dateaccepted.
    • If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
    • Documentation which has been found to be subject to alterations will not be accepted.
    • RTOs must be registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority or their state training authority and must have the relevant qualification and unit of competency on their scope of registration to deliver training and/or assessment
    • Recognised Training Institution’s name to be displayed on document.
    • Actual copy of certificate / degree is required. Letters are not accepted in lieu of this.
    • Completion date or issue date must be displayed
    • Accepted course code/s: 
      • UEE30820 - Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
      • UEE30811 - Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
      • UEE30807 - Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
      • UTE31199 - Certificate III in Electrotechnology Systems Electrician
    • No expiry
    • Upon verification, an individual holding an equivalent qualification and/or unit of competency will also meet the qualification and/or unit of competency requirements.

    For overseas / international engineering qualifications to be accepted they need to either be recognised under the:

    Letter from the Australian Institute of Engineers or Engineers Australia recognising your qualification

    The date of completion on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus

    Expiry date = none