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Comment: #11393571

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Please email the Safety Manager at the site for approval.  Please refer to the Site Contacts list for the Safety Manager’s contact details.
CompetencyCompetency RequirementsClient Review ConditionsUpload RequirementsExamples

In some instances, a company may upload a medical exemption; the exemption must be a Muswellbrook Coal document (either letter, template or email) that is signed by a Muswellbrook Coal representative.

Expiry date is to be listed as expiry of persons current or upcoming induction.


Regarding Enviropacific Services Pty Limited - this company is exempt from providing medicals.

 If you are unsure if the exemption is from Muswellbrook Coal you need to

If the team is unsure whether there is a valid exemption granted by Muswellbrook Coal, the team will seek approval or clarification from the Safety Manager at site that the role applies to. 

Avetta verifiers click here for additional business rule information prior to verification of this competency

Avetta verifiers click here for additional business rule information prior to verification of this competency

Pre-placement practitioner

·       Documentation can be with an Order 43 Medical or a Pre-Placement Medical completed by a Registered Medical Practitioner

·       Name on Medical to match the person registered

·       CMI Exemption letter if an Order 43 Medical is not required by the worker

Avetta verifiers click here for additional business rule information prior to verification of this competency

·      Issue and expiry date to be recorded

·      Expiry to be listed as three (3) years from assessment date.

Medical.-Certificate.Order 41 Site Access Medical Assessment
  • Name on medical to match the person registered
  • Certificate of Fitness to be uploaded which will show as Green for medically fit
  • This document is only mandatory for specific sites (NSW) if the document is mandatory the company needs to upload an Order 41 Coal Board Medical (preferably Coal Services Health).
  • Part D – certificate of fitness must be accompanied by the Order 41 compliance confirmation email from CS Health and must say “Order 41 Compliance status – compliant”.

  • Doctors signature, signed date and stamp mandatory

  • The Preplacement medical detailed certificate completed by CS Health is accepted and does not require the confirmation of compliance to be attached.

  • Section 4 Queensland Coal Board medicals are NOT acceptedNSW Coal Board Order 43
    Medical.Certificate.NSW Coal Board Order 43


    Avetta verifiers click here for additional business rule information prior to verification of this competency

    titleAMBER Medicals


    Note: MCC = Muswellbrook Coal

    A Health Management Plan is not required if a Spirometry & fit test have not been performed due to COVID-19 restrictions.

    MCR = Thiess Muswellbrook Coal Rehabilitation

    • If a medical is marked AMBER this must be sent to Muswellbrook Coal (MCC) or Thiess Muswellbrook Coal Rehabilitation (MCR) for approval -- Approval is sought by the contractor; not
    • Avetta staff
    • Approval will only be granted after
    • an MCC or Thiess MCR Health and Safety review
    • and
    approval notification which
    • signed approval of the Medical Management Plan (MMP). The MMP must be completed prior to
    • the completion of the MCC
    induction. Please Click Here to download the Health Management Plan (HMP) and send to Muswellbrook Coal along with a copy of the current Order 43 Medical & any other supporting documentation to HMP
    • and Thiess MCR induction
    • Spirometry & Respiratory Fit tests due to Covid are not required to provide a MMP
    • A MMP is still required for the restriction of wearing glasses.
    If an Order 43 Medical is only marked Amber due to a Spirometry/Respiratory Fit Testing being unable to be completed due to Covid-19 then these are to be approved without the requirement of an HMP
    • A current MCC or MCR approved MMP that is still in date

    • All medicals that trigger an amber alert for spirometry only to be approved without the need for a MMP review by MCC or MCR until the covid restrictions on the Order 43 medicals are lifted.

    • The template must be fully completed and signed by the MCC
    • or Thiess Representative
    • Be dated within 1 month (medical and Doctors letters must be current and align with Doctors conditions listed on medical or MCC or Thiess Representative conditions listed on
    • MMP)
    • Then both the medical and
    • MMP must be uploaded to
    • Avetta.
    • Must be uploaded as a PDF
  • Section 4 Queensland Coal Board medicals are NOT accepted
  • Pegasus Staff CLICK HERE for additional business rule information which is to be considered prior to verification of the file
    • Issue Date = Examination date
    • Expiry Date = 3 years from date of examination (unless review date listed in comments)


    titleAMBER Medicals


    Note: MCC = Muswellbrook Coal

    If a medical is marked AMBER  this must be sent to Muswellbrook Coal for approval -  Approval is sought by the contractor; not Pegasus staff. Approval will only be granted after a MCC Health and Safety review by and approval notification which must be completed prior to attending the MCC induction. Please Click Here to download the Health Management Plan (HMP
    The following roles require Muswellbrook Coal's approval for Health Management Plans:
    • Muswellbrook Coal Employee
    • Muswellbrook Coal Contractor
    • Muswellbrook Coal Contractor (Non-Operational Projects)
    The contracting company is to download Click Here and complete the MCC Medical Management Plan (MMP) and send to Muswellbrook Coal along with a copy of the current Order 43 Medical & any other supporting documentation
    to .
  • Spirometry & Respiratory Fit tests due to Covid are not required to provide a HMP
  • A HMP is still required for the restriction of wearing glasses.
  • A current MCC approved HMP that is still in date

  • All medicals that trigger an amber alert for spirometry only to be approved without the need for a HMP review by MCC until the covid restrictions on the Order 43 medicals are lifted.

  • The template must be fully completed and signed by the MCC/HST Representative
  • Be dated within 1 month (medical and Doctors letters must be current and align with Doctors conditions listed on medical or MCC conditions listed on HMP)
  • Then both the medical and HMP must be uploaded to Pegasus.
  • Must be uploaded as a PDF

  • The following roles require Thiess's approval for Health Management Plans:
    • Thiess Employee (Mining Maintenance Staff)
    • Thiess Sub Contractor (Mining & General)
    • Thiess Sub Contractor (Maintenance & High Risk Works)
    The contracting company is required to submit a Health Management Plan which is to be on the contractor company's letterhead and sent to Thiess Muswellbrook Coal Rehabilitation (MCR) along with a copy of the current Order 43 Medical & any other supporting documentation to and
    • Health Management Plans for both MCC and Thiess MCR must:
      • Reference the date of the Order 43 Medical being covered;
      • Address all criteria noted on the Order 43 Medical Report and;
      • Be signed by the Worker, Employer and MCC or Thiess Representative

    • Section 4 Queensland Coal Board medicals are NOT accepted

    titlePreplacement Medical Assessment - External medical provider - Coal Services - Blue cover page

    Preplacement Medical Assessment - External medical provider - Coal Services - Blue cover page

    • Uploaded in colour is preferred – not mandatory
    • Full medical not required – only require the traffic light page and follow up page to be uploaded
    • Name on medical to match the person registered
    • Date of birth to match person registered
    • Date of assessment listed
    • Employer must be listed – Employer must be the current employer. If the employee has changed companies than the current employer must submit the medical to CS Heath and provide a confirmation of registration with the medical.
    • Must have a SEG number
    • Follow up section – if a review time is indicated, this must match the date recommended in the recommendation/restrictions section
    • Must be completed by an approved medical practitioner on the list below
    • Must have either Doctors signature or Registered Nurse signature, must have name, ARN/AMP number and date.

    titlePeriodic Medical Assessment – External medical provider – Coal Services - Blue cover page with site access or site induction medical assessment page (traffic light page)

    Periodic Medical Assessment – External medical provider – Coal Services - Blue cover page with site access or site induction medical assessment page (traffic light page)

    • Uploaded in colour is preferred - not mandatory
    • Pages required to be uploaded - cover page,  assessment page 1 & 2 and the medical assessment certificate (traffic light page)
    • Determination – must be ticked indicating result
    • Follow up section – if a review time is indicated, this must match the date recommended in the recommendation/restrictions section
    • Must have Doctors signature, must have name and date.
    • Site access plus periodic medical assessment detailed certificate - CS Health
    • Pages required to be uploaded – site access plus periodic medical assessment detailed certificate.
    • Name on site access plus periodic medical assessment detailed certificate to match the person registered
    • Date of birth on assessment certificate ad assessment report to match the person registered
    • Chest X-ray must be ticked yes or no
    • Employer must be listed – Employer must be the current employer. If the employee has changed companies than the current employer must submit the medical to CS Heath and provide a confirmation of registration with the medical.
    • Must have a SEG number on the assessment report
    • Follow up section – if a review time is indicated, this must match the date recommended in the recommendation/restrictions section on the assessment certificate
    • Must be completed by an approved medical practitioner on the list below
    • Must have either Doctors signature or Registered Nurse signature, must have name, ARN/AMP number and date.

    titlePeriodic Medical Assessment – Internal medical provider – CS Health- Orange cover page with site access or induction medical assessment page (traffic light page)

    Periodic Medical Assessment – Internal medical provider – CS Health- Orange cover page with site access or site induction medical assessment page (traffic light page)

    • Uploaded in colour is preferred - not mandatory
    • Pages required to be uploaded - cover page, assessment page 1 & 2 and the medical assessment certificate (traffic light page)
    • Determination – must be ticked indicating result
    • Follow up section – if a review time is indicated, this must match the date recommended in the recommendation/restrictions section
    • Must have Doctors signature, must have name and date.
    • Site access plus periodic medical assessment detailed certificate - CS Health
    • Pages required to be uploaded – site access plus periodic medical assessment detailed certificate.
    • Name on site access plus periodic medical assessment detailed certificate to match the person registered
    • Date of birth on assessment certificate ad assessment report to match the person registered
    • Chest X-ray must be ticked yes or no
    • Employer must be listed – Employer must be the current employer. If the employee has changed companies than the current employer must submit the medical to CS Heath and provide a confirmation of registration with the medical.
    • DOES NOT have SEG number on the assessment report
    • Follow up section – if a review time is indicated, this must match the date recommended in the recommendation/restrictions section on the assessment certificate
    • Must be completed by an approved medical practitioner on the list below
    • Must have either Doctors signature or Registered Nurse signature, must have name, ARN/AMP number and date.

    titlePreplacement Medical Assessment – CS Health – Orange cover page

    Preplacement Medical Assessment – CS Health – Orange cover page

    • Uploaded in colour is preferred - not mandatory
    • Full medical not required – only require the traffic light page , and follow up page and cover page to be uploaded
    • Name on medical to match the person registered
    • Date of birth to match person registered
    • Date of assessment listed
    • Determination – must be ticked indicating result
    • Follow up section – if a review time is indicated, this must match the date recommended in the recommendation/restrictions section
    • Must have Doctors signature, must have name and date.

    titleSite access plus periodic medical assessment detailed certificate - CS Health

    Site access plus periodic medical assessment detailed certificate - CS Health

    • Pages required to be uploaded – site access plus periodic medical assessment detailed certificate.
    • Name on site access plus periodic medical assessment detailed certificate to match the person registered
    • Date of birth on assessment certificate ad assessment report to match the person registered
    • Employer must be listed – Employer must be the current employer. If the employee has changed companies than the current employer must submit the medical to CS Heath and provide a confirmation of registration with the medical.
    • Must have Doctors signature, must have name and date.

    If a medical is marked AMBER  this must be sent to Muswellbrook Coal for approval -  Approval is sought by the contractor; not Avetta staff.

    From Avettas perspective, no escalations to the client are required providing the restricted medical meets the BR requirements including that it is accompanied by a completed / approved MMP. If it does not meet these requirements it can be returned.

    Pegasus Staff CLICK HERE for additional business rule information which is to be considered prior to verification of the file

    • Issue Date = Examination date
    • Expiry Date = 3 years from date of examination (unless review date listed in comments)
    • AMBER MEDICALS - Approval date and person’s name whom approved to be written in description box

    Medical.Assessment.Fitness for Work Medical Assessment
    • A letter or report from the practitioner stating that the worker is fit for the role
    • Must be completed by a Registered Medical Practioner
    • Name on assessment to match the person registered
    • Date of birth to match person registered
    • Date of assessment listed
    • Employer must be listed – Employer must be the current employer. If the employee has changed companies than an updated assessment with the new employer is required.

    Avetta verifiers CLICK HERE for additional business rule information which is to be considered prior to verification of the file

    • Issue Date = Assessment date
    • Expiry Date = 2 years from issue date