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Risk Management

Supply evidence of the companies risk management process, methods and implementation.

The Risk Management process will establish the context of identifying, analysing, assessing, treating, monitoring and
communicating task applications.

Examples would include a risk management procedure guiding workers in the risk
assessment process such as the development of Safe Work Method Statements or Job Safety Analysis. 

 The Risk Management is a five step process:

  • Establish the Context
  • Identify the Risks
  • Analyse the Risks
  • Evaluate the Risks
  • Treat the Risks

    Risk Management Methodology

    Risk Management Procedure/Methodology developed in accordance with ISO 31000:2009 and AS/NZS 4801:2001

    4.3.1 Planning identification of hazards, hazard/risk assessment and control of hazards/risks.It’s a legal requirement under WHS law for an organisation to establish a plan and guidelines for development, implementation and measurement of a risk management process for the control of foreseeable WHS risks identified in the work place. There is a range of material which outlines processes for their application including the current Act and Reg’s, associated codes of practice and international standards such as ISO 31000:2009 – Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines.

    Any organisation’s work activities involve a certain amount of risk which requires management. The amount of risk is dependent on the scope of work being conducted, location of the work site, workers involved etc.      

    Underpinning the entire process of risk management is the need to consult with workers and other persons who have duties under safety law and actively assess and manage risk together. Consultation is the key to Risk Management where workers are involved in the identification, development, implementation and the review of risk management strategies.  

    titleLegal Responsibilities

    With respect to risk management, a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) has a duty under the WHS Act to ensure health and Safety by eliminating risks to health and safety, so far as reasonably practicable, or reduce those risks as far as reasonably practicable. 

    Therefore, risk management can be seen is a systematic process that involves several basic steps in identifying hazards, assessing hazards or risks, and eliminating, controlling or managing reasonably foreseeable risks:

    1. Establish the context
    2. Identify the risks
    3. Analyse the risks
    4. Control the risks
    5. Review the risks

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    The current WHS Act of 2011 states in section 17 - A duty imposed on a person to ensure health and safety requires the person:

    (a)  to eliminate risks to health and safety, so far as is reasonably practicable, and

    (b)  if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate risks to health and safety, to minimise those risks so far as is reasonably practicable.

    Furthermore, the Australian Standard AS/NZS 4801:2001; section 4.3.1, states 4.3.1 Planning Identification of Hazards, Hazard / Risk Assessment and Control of Hazards / Risks:

    1. The organisation shall establish, implement and maintain documented procedures for hazard identification, hazard/risk assessment and control of hazards/risks of activities, products and services over which an organisation has control or influence, including activities, products or services of contractors and suppliers.
    2. The organisation shall develop its methodology for hazard identification, hazard/risk assessment and control of hazards/risks using the Hierarchy of control, based on its operational experience and its commitment to eliminate workplace illness and injury. The methodology shall be kept up-to-date.
    Assessment Category


    Assessment Detail

    Fully Compliant

    Risk ManagementProcedure/Methodology covering all of the elements stated above. That details how the company identifies (How to identify a hazard/risk), assesses (How to assess the identified hazard/risk using a risk matrix),

    controls (How to control the hazard/risk identified using the hierarchy of controls) and monitors (How to monitor the controls put in place to ensure the control is appropriate and relevant) hazards/risks in the workplace.

    Adequately Compliant


    Risk Management Policy/Procedure that briefly describes the risk management process with no detailed methodology.

    Partially Compliant


    Supplied a SWMS/JSA or equivalent with no detailed Risk Management Procedure/Methodology for identifying, assessing, controlling and monitoring hazards/risks in the workplace.

    Not Compliant

    No evidence sighted of Risk Management Procedure/Methodology or anything pertaining to managing hazards/risks in the workplace.


    Risk Management Procedure - SWMS/JSA for works conducted

    Completed SWMS/JSA or equivalent stating the task to be performed, Job steps involved in completing the task:

    -       Identifying hazards involved with job step.

    -       Assessing inherent risk and residual risk using Risk Matrix.

    -       Applying appropriate control measures using hierarchy of control.

    SWMS should also include:

    -       Minimum number of workers required to complete task

    -       Personal protective equipment required to complete task safely

    -       Trade licence required to complete task if applicable

    -       Additional qualifications, permits and/or experience required to complete task

    -       Any Legislation, Regulations, Codes of practice and Standards required to complete task.

    -       Section to include any unforeseen hazards or any hazards that may arise while performing task.

    -       Sign off and acknowledgment by workers involved in completing task.

    Assessment Category

    Assessment Detail

    Fully Compliant

    Completeddetailed SWMS/JSA or equivalent covering all of the elements stated above.

    Adequately Compliant


    Non-completed (template) SWMS/JSA or equivalent covering most of the elements stated above.

    Partially Compliant


    Non-completed (template) SWMS/JSA or equivalent that meets some of the elements stated above

    Not Compliant

    No evidence sighted of SWMS/JSA or equivalent.

    titleSafe Work Method Statement / SWMS Example

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    Risk Management Procedure - hierarchy of controls

    The use of Hierarchy of Controls sighted either through Risk Management Procedure/Methodology or through SWMS/JSA or equivalent.

    Assessment Category

    Assessment Detail

    Fully Compliant

    Hierarchy of control sighted through either the Risk Management Procedure/Methodology or SWMS/JSA or equivalent.

    Not Compliant

    No evidence sighted of the use of the hierarchy of controls

    titleRisk Management Process Example

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    Risk Register

    Risk Register that identifies all hazards, risks and associated controls relevant to the organisation. This document should be used for monitoring and review processes and risk planning activities prior to commencing of new task.

    Assessment Category

    Assessment Detail

    Fully Compliant

    Completed risk register that identifies all hazards relevant to the organisation. Has suitable controls in place.

    Adequately Compliant

    Not completed (Template) risk register.

    Partially Compliant

    Risk register may be referenced throughout the safety management system or risk management process however no evidence sighted of risk register.

    Not Compliant

    No evidence sighted of risk register or documented process pertaining to a risk register
    titleManaging Hazards in the Workplace

    There are many ways to manage hazards and risks in the workplace.

    The most common approach is to implement what is known as the Hierarchy of Control (HOC):

    • Elimination – Eliminate the hazard and therefore the risk altogether
    • Substitution – Substitute the hazard with something safer
    • Isolation – Isolate the hazard for people
    • Engineering – Engineering control measures such as mechanical devices, guarding etc
    • Administration – Training. PPE gear, signage etc

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    titleDeveloping and Implementing a Risk Register

    Developing and implementing a Risk Register is a vital part of an organisation’s Risk management process. Quite often, a Broad-Brush Risk Assessment (BBRA) is completed within the organisation to capture hazards associated with all activities within the organisation.

    This register requires reviewing on a regular basis and made available to interested parties inclusive of workers.  Risk registers are an essential tool in managing risk and it’s advisable that these registers are linked and form part of an integrated risk management framework.

    titleExample of Risk Register

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    There are many risk management tools which are used in the risk management process. Such tools include, Pre-task risk assessments (such as Take 5, 60 seconds), Job Safety Analysis (JSA’s), Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS), Safe Work Procedures (SWP’s). Basically, they all do the same job and assist workers in identifying and controlling risk.  

    A pre-task risk assessment (a Take 5) ensures that any non-routine jobs are quickly assessed prior the commenced of work being conducted. A routine job, that has been assessed previously, can be carried out on a SWMS / JSA as long as the job scope is reflective of the hazards identified in the completed SWMS.

    titleExample of SWMS/JSA

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    The risk assessment and treatment process should be developed using consultation, communication, supervisory and review processes consistent with the workplace’s health and safety management system. Organisations, should expand their respective systems to incorporate not just WHS but all areas of organisational risk (eg financial, operational risk etc). An integrated RM framework is an appropriate and effective way of measuring risk throughout an organisation.

    Documenting and sharing information about RM is essential to ensure that appropriate people within the organisation are made aware and informed of the risk(s) being managed.