Versions Compared


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Comment: #15155742 - Removed course codes: HLTAID001, HLTAID002, HLTAID003, HLTAID006, and HLTAID007


HLTAID011 First AidFor the Statement of Attainment First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID009 - Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Competency NameCompetency RequirementsUploads RequirementsExample
Confined Space.Statement of Attainment.MSAPMPER202 - Observe permit work

For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  • RTO Name and Code must be shown

Click HERE for Internal Process on acceptance of superseded unit of competency

**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document

NOTE: Cards or a USI Transcript from are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates provided they meet the following points:

    • They show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency 
    • Date that SOA was attained
    • Information relating to applicant details 
    • and RTO details (RTO Name, Code, and Logo).

NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

  • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is/ was an RTO at the time of completion.
  • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
    • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
  • Expiry date is to be calculated to occur 2 years from the date of training completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued. Expiry should be calculated to occur on the date which is 4x weeks from the date of training completion

Confined Space.Statement of Attainment.MSMPER205 - Enter Confined Space
Confined Space.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR210 - Prevent Injury
Confined Space.Statement of Attainment.PUASAR022 - Participate in a Rescue Operation
Confined Space.Statement of Attainment.PUASAR025 - Undertake confined space rescue
Confined Space.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS202 - Enter and work in confined spaces
Rescue.Statement of Attendance.PUASAR032 - Undertake vertical rescue
Working at Height.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS204 - Work safely at heights

For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  • RTO Name and Code must be shown

Click HERE for Internal Process on acceptance of superseded unit of competency

**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document

NOTE: Cards or a USI Transcript from are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates provided they meet the following points:

    • They show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency 
    • Date that SOA was attained
    • Information relating to applicant details 
    • and RTO details (RTO Name, Code, and Logo).

NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

  • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is/ was an RTO at the time of completion.
  • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
    • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
  • Expiry date is to be calculated to occur 2 years from the date of training completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued. Expiry should be calculated to occur on the date which is 4x weeks from the date of training completion

First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID002 - Provide basic emergency life supportHLTAID008 - Manage First Aid Services and Resources

For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  • RTO Name and Code must be shown

Click HERE for Internal Process on acceptance of superseded unit of competency

**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document

NOTE: Cards or a USI Transcript from are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates provided they meet the following points:

    • They show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency 
    • Date that SOA was attained
    • Information relating to applicant details 
    • and RTO details (RTO Name, Code, and Logo).

NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

  • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is/ was an RTO at the time of completion.
  • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
    • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
  • Expiry date is to be calculated to occur 3 years from the date of training completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued. Expiry should be calculated to occur on the date which is 4x weeks from the date of training completion

First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID003 HLTAID010 - Provide First AidBasic Emergency Life Support
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID006 HLTAID011 - Provide Advanced First Aid
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID008 HLTAID014 - Manage Provide Advanced First Aid Services and Resources
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID010 HLTAID015 - Provide Basic Emergency Life SupportAdvanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID009 - Provide
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID014 - Provide Advanced First Aid
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID001 - Provide Cardiopulmonary ResuscitationCardiopulmonary Resuscitation

For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  • RTO Name and Code must be shown

Click HERE for Internal Process on acceptance of superseded unit of competency

**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document

NOTE: Cards or a USI Transcript from are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates provided they meet the following points:

    • They show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency 
    • Date that SOA was attained
    • Information relating to applicant details 
    • and RTO details (RTO Name, Code, and Logo).

NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

  • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is/ was an RTO at the time of completion.
  • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
    • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
  • Expiry date is to be calculated to occur 1 year from the date of training completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued. Expiry should be calculated to occur on the date which is 4x weeks from the date of training completion
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID007 - Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy

Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETDRRF004 - Perform rescue from a Live LV Panel

For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  • RTO Name and Code must be shown

Click HERE for Internal Process on acceptance of superseded unit of competency

**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document

NOTE: Cards or a USI Transcript from are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates provided they meet the following points:

    • They show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency 
    • Date that SOA was attained
    • Information relating to applicant details 
    • and RTO details (RTO Name, Code, and Logo).

NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

  • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is/ was an RTO at the time of completion.
  • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
    • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
    • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
  • Expiry date is to be calculated to occur 1 year from the date of training completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued. Expiry should be calculated to occur on the date which is 4x weeks from the date of training completion

Fire Fighting
Low Voltage Rescue.Statement of
Attendance.Demonstrate first attack firefighting equipment
  • Name on certificate to match the person registered
  • Black and white or colour acceptable
  • Must be clearly scanned and legible
  • Certificate to show the applicable unit of competency: CPPFES2005 - Demonstrate first attack firefighting equipment
  • Issue Date = Date of completion
  • Expiry Date = 2 years expiry date to be enteredAttainment.UETDRRF007 - Perform rescue from a Live LV Panel

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
      • RTO Name and Code must be shown

    Click HERE for Internal Process on acceptance of superseded unit of competency

    **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document

    NOTE: Cards or a USI Transcript from are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates provided they meet the following points:

      • They show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency 
      • Date that SOA was attained
      • Information relating to applicant details 
      • and RTO details (RTO Name, Code, and Logo).

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is/ was an RTO at the time of completion.
    • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
      • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
      • Expiry date is to be calculated to occur 1 year from the date of training completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued. Expiry should be calculated to occur on the date which is 4x weeks from the date of training completion

    Fire Fighting.Statement of Attendance.Demonstrate first attack firefighting equipment
    • Name on certificate to match the person registered
    • Black and white or colour acceptable
    • Must be clearly scanned and legible
    • Certificate to show the applicable unit of competency: CPPFES2005 - Demonstrate first attack firefighting equipment
    • Issue Date = Date of completion
    • Expiry Date = 2 years expiry date to be entered

    Operate Auger.Qualified.RIICTT302E Conduct impact moling, ramming and augering operations

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
      • RTO Name and Code must be shown
      • Click HERE for Internal Process on acceptance of superseded unit of competency
      • Superseded unit accepted:
        • RIICTT302D Conduct impact moling, ramming and augering with a VOC
        • RIICTT302E - Conduct impact moling, ramming and augering operations

    NOTE: Cards or a USI Transcript from are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates provided they meet the following points:

      • They show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency 
      • Date that SOA was attained
      • Information relating to applicant details 
      • RTO details (RTO Name, Code, and Logo).

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is/was an RTO at the time of completion.

    • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
      • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date
    • Expiry date is to be calculated to occur 1 year from the date of training completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued. Expiry should be calculated to occur on the date which is 4x weeks from the date of training completion

    Competency NameCompetency RequirementsUploads RequirementsExample
    Auditor.Statement of Attainment.BSBAUD402 Participate in a quality audit

    For the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:

    • Applicants name to be shown on document
    • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
    • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
    • RTO Name and Code must be shown

    Click HERE for Internal Process on acceptance of superseded unit of competency

    **RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document

    NOTE: Cards or a USI Transcript from are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates provided they meet the following points:

      • They show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency 
      • Date that SOA was attained
      • Information relating to applicant details 
      • and RTO details (RTO Name, Code, and Logo).

    NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code

    Avetta Administrators to click here for additional information before verifying

    • Document verifier to ensure the Issue of this document is/ was an RTO at the time of completion.
    • Record the Issue date within Onsite as follows:
      • Completion date / Training Date - if listed on certificate (this date is always used when displayed)
      • Issue date - If only an issue date is listed please enter this as the issue date

    • Expiry date is ONLY required for this competency in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued. Expiry should be calculated to occur on the date which is 4x weeks from the date of training completion

    Auditor.Tertiary Qualification.BSBAUD411 - Participate in quality audits
    Auditor.Tertiary Qualification.BSBAUD501 - Initiate a quality
    Auditor.Tertiary Qualification.BSBAUD503 - Lead a quality audit
    Auditor.Tertiary Qualification.BSBAUD504 - Report on a quality audit
    Auditor.Tertiary Qualification.BSBAUD511 - Initiate quality audits
    Auditor.Tertiary Qualification.BSBAUD512 - Lead quality audits
    Auditor.Tertiary Qualification.BSBAUD513 - Report on quality audits
    Cabler.Statement of Attainment.ICTCBL322 – Install, test and terminate optical fibre cable on customer premises
    Cabler.Statement of Attainment.ICTTEN318 – Inspect, clean and handle optical fibre cable and connectors
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.CPCCON3047 - Cut Concrete
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.CPPFES2020 - Conduct routine inspection and testing of fire extinguishers and fire blankets
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.CPPFES2027 - Inspect, test and maintain non-gaseous pre-engineered fire-suppression systems
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.CPPFES3040 - Install passive fire and smoke containment systems
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.CPPFES3042 - Install and commission pre-engineered fire-suppression systems
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.MSMPER200 - Work in accordance with an issued permit
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.MSMPER201 - Monitor and control work permits
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.MSMPER300 - Issue work permits
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.PUAEME001 - Provide emergency care
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR207 - Operate Breathing Apparatus Open Circuit
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIBEF201 - Plan and organise work
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA305 - Conduct secondary blasting
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA402 - Monitor and control effects of blasting on the environment
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS202 - Hand spread asphalt
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM201 - Carry out measurements and calculations
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM203 - Read and interpret plans and specifications
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM205 - Carry out manual excavation
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM206 - Support plant operations
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM207 - Spread and compact materials manually
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM208 - Carry out basic levelling
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICFW302 - Install temporary and permanent rock anchors
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICOM201 - Communicate in the workplace
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICRC201 - Repair potholes
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICRC203 - Install sub-soil drainage
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIRIS201 - Conduct Local Risk Control
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIRIS202 - Respond to site based spills
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM201 - Handle resources and infrastructure materials and safely dispose of non toxic materials
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM202 - Isolate and access plant
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM203 - Use hand and power tools
    Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIWMG203 - Drain and dewater civil construction site
    Concreter.Statement of Attainment.MSMPMC321 - Batch mix concrete
    Concreter.Statement of Attainment.MSMPMC328 – Prepare for and apply shotcrete for installation
    Concreter.Statement of Attainment.RIIUND310 - Apply Shotcrete Underground
    Certificate.MSMSS00021 - Operate a hydro excavation system
    Certificate.RIICCM303 - Conduct vacuum excavations
    Statement of Attainment.MSMSS00018 - Operate a high pressure water jetting system
    Drug Testing.Statement of Attainment.HLTPAT005 - Collect specimens for drugs of abuse testing
    Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETDREL006 - Work Safely in the Vicinity of Live Electrical Apparatus as a Non-Electrical Worker
    Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.MSMWHS110 - Follow emergency response procedures
    Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.MSMWHS110 - Follow Emergency Response Proceduresparatus Open Circuit
    Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.MSMWHS200 - Work Safely
    Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFER001 - Identify, prevent and report potential facility emergency situations
    Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFER004 - Respond to facility emergencies
    Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFER005 - Operate as part of an emergency control organisation
    Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFER006 - Lead an emergency control organisation
    Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFER008 - Confine small emergencies in a facility
    Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFER009 - Participate as a member of a facility emergency response team
    Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAWER001 - Identify, prevent and report potential workplace emergency situations
    Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAWER004 - Respond to workplace emergencies
    Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAWER005 - Operate as part of an emergency control organisation
    Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAWER006 - Lead an emergency control organisation
    Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAWER008 - Confine small workplace emergencies
    Explosives.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA205 - Store, handle and transport explosives
    Fire Fighting.Statement of Attainment.CPPFES2005 - Demonstrate first attack firefighting equipmentFirst Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID015 - Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy

    First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID016 - Manage First Aid Services and Resources
    Gas Tester.Statement of Attainment.MSMWHS217 - Gas test atmospheres
    Human Resources.Statement of Attainment.RIICTB302 - Install temporary support members
    Lifting.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN203 - Conduct lifting operations
    Lifting.Statement of Attainment.TLID4032 - Plan and conduct specialised lift
    Manual Handling.Statement of Attainment.MEM11011 - Undertake manual handling
    OH&S-WHS.Statement of Attainment.MSMWHS201 - Conduct Hazard Analysis
    OH&S-WHS.Statement of Attainment.MSMWHS216 - Operate Breathing Apparatus
    OH&S-WHS.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM202 - Identify, locate and protect underground services
    OH&S-WHS.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS201 - Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
    Operator Crane.Statement of Attainment.TLID0013 - Supervise mobile crane operations
    Operator Dozer.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO323 - Conduct Civil Construction Dozer Operations
    Operator Grader.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO324 - Conduct Civil Construction Grader Operations
    Operator Roller.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO317 - Conduct Roller Operations
    Operator Scraper.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO325 - Conduct Civil Construction Scraper Operations
    Operator Tractor.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO315 - Conduct tractor operations
    Operator Truck.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO315 - Conduct tractor operations
    Operator Truck.Statement of Attainment.RIIRTM301 - Operate a truck or trailer mounted attenuator
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.MSMSS00018 - Operate a high pressure water jetting system
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.MSMWJ305 - Operate a Drain Cleaning System
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS301 - Conduct profile planer operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS303 - Conduct Materials Transfer Vehicle Operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS305 - Conduct Asphalt Paver Operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS307 - Conduct Bitumen Sprayer Operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS309 - Conduct self-propelled aggregate spreader operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS312 - Conduct Bitumen Tanker Operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS313 - Conduct Tack Coat Spraying Operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM210 - Install trench support
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM210 - Install trench supportRIICBS313 - Conduct Tack Coat Spraying Operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICFW304 - Conduct Pile Driving Operations (PD)
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICFW305 - Conduct Cast In-Situ Piling Operations (CCP)
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICRC311 - Conduct concrete road paver operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICRM302 - Conduct long line road marking operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICTC303 - Excavate tunnel by machine
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICTC306 - Conduct tunnel boring machine operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICTC402 - Supervise tunnel boring machine operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN301 - Operate Elevating Work Platform
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN305 - Operate gantry or overhead crane
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN309 - Conduct telescopic materials handler operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN311 - Conduct operations with integrated tool carrier
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMCO302 - Conduct Surface Miner Operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO206 - Conduct Bulk Water Truck Operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO301 - Conduct hydraulic excavator operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO316 - Conduct self-propelled compactor operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO318 - Conduct Civil Construction Skid Steer Loader Operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO319 - Conduct Backhoe/Loader Operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO320 - Conduct Civil Construction Excavator Operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO321 - Conduct Civil Construction Wheeled Front End Loader Operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO322 - Conduct Civil Construction Tracked Front End Loader Operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO326 - Conduct Water Vehicle Operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO336 - Conduct belly dump truck operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO337 - Conduct Articulated Haul Truck Operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO338 - Conduct rigid haul truck operations
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIINHB323 - Conduct Horizontal Directional Drilling
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIRTM203 - Work as a safety observer / spotter
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM204 - Operate small plant and equipment
    Pipe.Statement of Attainment.RIICRC208 - Lay pipes
    Safety.Statement of Attainment.TLIF0009 - Ensure the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility)
    Shotfirer.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA201 - Support shotfiring operations
    Shotfirer.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA202 - Support Underground shotfiring operations
    Shotfirer.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA301 - Conduct surface shotfiring operations
    Shotfirer.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA303 - Conduct underground development shotfiring
    Technical.Statement of Attainment.MEM09002B - Interpret Technical drawing
    Traffic Controller.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS205 - Control Traffic with a Stop Slow Bat
    Traffic Management.Statement of Attainment.RIICWD503 - Prepare Traffic Management Plans and Traffic Guidance Schemes
    Traffic Management.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS205 - Control Traffic with a Stop Slow Bat
    Traffic Management.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS302 - Implement Traffic Management Plan
    Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO304D - Conduct wheel loader operations