Competency | Business Rule Re-Direction link |
Auditor.Statement of Attainment.BSBAUD402 Participate in a quality audit | Click here to be redirected to the Pegasus Workforce National Business Rules |
Auditor.Tertiary Qualification.BSBAUD411 - Participate in quality audits | |
Auditor.Tertiary Qualification.BSBAUD501 - Initiate a quality | |
Auditor.Tertiary Qualification.BSBAUD503 - Lead a quality audit | |
Auditor.Tertiary Qualification.BSBAUD504 - Report on a quality audit | |
Auditor.Tertiary Qualification.BSBAUD511 - Initiate quality audits | |
Auditor.Tertiary Qualification.BSBAUD512 - Lead quality audits | |
Auditor.Tertiary Qualification.BSBAUD513 - Report on quality audits | |
Cabler.Statement of Attainment.ICTCBL322 – Install, test and terminate optical fibre cable on customer premises | |
Cabler.Statement of Attainment.ICTTEN318 – Inspect, clean and handle optical fibre cable and connectors | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.CPCCON3047 - Cut Concrete | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.CPPFES2020 - Conduct routine inspection and testing of fire extinguishers and fire blankets | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.CPPFES2027 - Inspect, test and maintain non-gaseous pre-engineered fire-suppression systems | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.CPPFES3040 - Install passive fire and smoke containment systems | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.CPPFES3042 - Install and commission pre-engineered fire-suppression systems | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.MSMPER200 - Work in accordance with an issued permit | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.MSMPER201 - Monitor and control work permits | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.MSMPER300 - Issue work permits | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.PUAEME001 - Provide emergency care | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR207 - Operate Breathing Apparatus Open Circuit | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIBEF201 - Plan and organise work | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA305 - Conduct secondary blasting | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA402 - Monitor and control effects of blasting on the environment | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS202 - Hand spread asphalt | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM201 - Carry out measurements and calculations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM203 - Read and interpret plans and specifications | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM205 - Carry out manual excavation | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM206 - Support plant operations | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM207 - Spread and compact materials manually | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM208 - Carry out basic levelling | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICFW302 - Install temporary and permanent rock anchors | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICOM201 - Communicate in the workplace | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICRC201 - Repair potholes | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIICRC203 - Install sub-soil drainage | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIRIS201 - Conduct Local Risk Control | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIRIS202 - Respond to site based spills | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM201 - Handle resources and infrastructure materials and safely dispose of non toxic materials | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM202 - Isolate and access plant | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM203 - Use hand and power tools | |
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIWMG203 - Drain and dewater civil construction site | |
Concreter.Statement of Attainment.MSMPMC321 - Batch mix concrete | |
Concreter.Statement of Attainment.MSMPMC328 – Prepare for and apply shotcrete for installation | |
Concreter.Statement of Attainment.RIIUND310 - Apply Shotcrete Underground | |
Confined Space.Statement of Attainment.MSAPMPER202 - Observe permit work | |
Confined Space.Statement of Attainment.MSMPER205 - Enter Confined Space | |
Confined Space.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR210 - Prevent Injury | |
Confined Space.Statement of Attainment.PUASAR022 - Participate in a Rescue Operation | |
Confined Space.Statement of Attainment.PUASAR025 - Undertake confined space rescue | |
Confined Space.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS202 - Enter and work in confined spaces | |
Drug Testing.Statement of Attainment.HLTPAT005 - Collect specimens for drugs of abuse testing | |
Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETDREL006 - Work Safely in the Vicinity of Live Electrical Apparatus as a Non-Electrical Worker | |
Electrical.Statement of Attainment.UETDRRF004 - Perform rescue from a Live LV Panel | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.MSMWHS110 - Follow emergency response procedures | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.MSMWHS110 - Follow Emergency Response Proceduresparatus Open Circuit | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.MSMWHS200 - Work Safely | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFER001 - Identify, prevent and report potential facility emergency situations | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFER004 - Respond to facility emergencies | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFER005 - Operate as part of an emergency control organisation | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFER006 - Lead an emergency control organisation | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFER008 - Confine small emergencies in a facility | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFER009 - Participate as a member of a facility emergency response team | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAWER001 - Identify, prevent and report potential workplace emergency situations | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAWER004 - Respond to workplace emergencies | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAWER005 - Operate as part of an emergency control organisation | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAWER006 - Lead an emergency control organisation | |
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAWER008 - Confine small workplace emergencies | |
Explosives.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA205 - Store, handle and transport explosives | |
Fire Fighting.Statement of Attainment.CPPFES2005 - Demonstrate first attack firefighting equipment | |
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID001 - Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation | |
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID002 - Provide basic emergency life support | |
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID003 - Provide First Aid | |
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID006 - Provide Advanced First Aid | |
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID007 - Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy | |
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID008 - Manage First Aid Services and Resources | |
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID009 - Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation | |
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID010 - Provide Basic Emergency Life Support | |
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid | |
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID014 - Provide Advanced First Aid | |
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID015 - Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy | |
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID016 - Manage First Aid Services and Resources | |
Gas Tester.Statement of Attainment.MSMWHS217 - Gas test atmospheres | |
Human Resources.Statement of Attainment.RIICTB302 - Install temporary support members | |
Lifting.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN203 - Conduct lifting operations | |
Lifting.Statement of Attainment.TLID4032 - Plan and conduct specialised lift | |
Manual Handling.Statement of Attainment.MEM11011 - Undertake manual handling | |
OH&S-WHS.Statement of Attainment.MSMWHS201 - Conduct Hazard Analysis | |
OH&S-WHS.Statement of Attainment.MSMWHS216 - Operate Breathing Apparatus | |
OH&S-WHS.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM202 - Identify, locate and protect underground services | |
OH&S-WHS.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS201 - Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures | |
Operator Crane.Statement of Attainment.TLID0013 - Supervise mobile crane operations | |
Operator Dozer.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO323 - Conduct Civil Construction Dozer Operations | |
Operator Grader.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO324 - Conduct Civil Construction Grader Operations | |
Operator Roller.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO317 - Conduct Roller Operations | |
Operator Scraper.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO325 - Conduct Civil Construction Scraper Operations | |
Operator Tractor.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO315 - Conduct tractor operations | |
Operator Truck.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO315 - Conduct tractor operations | |
Operator Truck.Statement of Attainment.RIIRTM301 - Operate a truck or trailer mounted attenuator | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.MSMSS00018 - Operate a high pressure water jetting system | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.MSMWJ305 - Operate a Drain Cleaning System | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS301 - Conduct profile planer operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS303 - Conduct Materials Transfer Vehicle Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS305 - Conduct Asphalt Paver Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS307 - Conduct Bitumen Sprayer Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS309 - Conduct self-propelled aggregate spreader operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS312 - Conduct Bitumen Tanker Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICBS313 - Conduct Tack Coat Spraying Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM210 - Install trench support | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICCM210 - Install trench supportRIICBS313 - Conduct Tack Coat Spraying Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICFW304 - Conduct Pile Driving Operations (PD) | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICFW305 - Conduct Cast In-Situ Piling Operations (CCP) | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICRC311 - Conduct concrete road paver operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICRM302 - Conduct long line road marking operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICTC303 - Excavate tunnel by machine | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICTC306 - Conduct tunnel boring machine operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIICTC402 - Supervise tunnel boring machine operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN301 - Operate Elevating Work Platform | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN305 - Operate gantry or overhead crane | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN309 - Conduct telescopic materials handler operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN311 - Conduct operations with integrated tool carrier | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMCO302 - Conduct Surface Miner Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO206 - Conduct Bulk Water Truck Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO301 - Conduct hydraulic excavator operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO316 - Conduct self-propelled compactor operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO318 - Conduct Civil Construction Skid Steer Loader Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO319 - Conduct Backhoe/Loader Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO320 - Conduct Civil Construction Excavator Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO321 - Conduct Civil Construction Wheeled Front End Loader Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO322 - Conduct Civil Construction Tracked Front End Loader Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO326 - Conduct Water Vehicle Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO336 - Conduct belly dump truck operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO337 - Conduct Articulated Haul Truck Operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO338 - Conduct rigid haul truck operations | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIINHB323 - Conduct Horizontal Directional Drilling | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIRTM203 - Work as a safety observer / spotter | |
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM204 - Operate small plant and equipment | |
Pipe.Statement of Attainment.RIICRC208 - Lay pipes | |
Safety.Statement of Attainment.TLIF0009 - Ensure the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility) | |
Shotfirer.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA201 - Support shotfiring operations | |
Shotfirer.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA202 - Support Underground shotfiring operations | |
Shotfirer.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA301 - Conduct surface shotfiring operations | |
Shotfirer.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA303 - Conduct underground development shotfiring | |
Technical.Statement of Attainment.MEM09002B - Interpret Technical drawing | |
Traffic Controller.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS205 - Control Traffic with a Stop Slow Bat | |
Traffic Management.Statement of Attainment.RIICWD503 - Prepare Traffic Management Plans and Traffic Guidance Schemes | |
Traffic Management.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS205 - Control Traffic with a Stop Slow Bat | |
Traffic Management.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS302 - Implement Traffic Management Plan | |
Working at Height.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS204 - Work safely at heights |