David Jones Business Rules | Other Documents

 Company Name Linking Document


Accepted types of Evidence



Action Required by Pegasus Team


Company Name Linking Document

  • Trust Deed
  • ASIC Database Report
  • Letter from Accountant

If Trust Deed is supplied:

  • The company name which is displayed in Onsite should be shown on the document
  • The relationship or connection between the two company names will need to be displayed
  • Must explicitly indicate it is  a trust deed
  • Must be issued by law firm or solicitor
  • Must be signed
  • Must be dated

If ASIC Data base Extract Report is supplied:

  • The company name which is displayed in Onsite should be shown on the document
  • The relationship or connection between the two company names will need to be displayed
  • An indication as to why there is multiple company names on the paperwork must be shown EG connection between trading names
  • Must indicate the information has been ‘extracted from the ASIC’s database’ and show the corresponding ASIC logo

If Letter from company accountant is supplied:

  • The company name which is displayed in Onsite should be shown on the document
  • The relationship or connection between the two company names will need to be displayed
  • An indication as to why there is multiple company names on the paperwork must be shown EG description of business structure
  • Must be on Accounting company letterhead
  • Must be signed by Company accountant

  1. The evidence must be sent to the site for approval
  2. If approved by site, the evidence must be uploaded into the yellow folder shown on the company profile’s general tab – once uploaded, the documentation that displays the name difference which could not originally be approved can now be approved