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MSHA Part 46 New Miner Per the United States Department of Labor MSHA website: 46.2 The definition of miner includes any construction worker who is exposed to hazards of mining operations. (b)(5) The record must include a statement signed by the person designated in the MSHA-approved training plan for the mine as responsible for health and safety training, that states ‘‘I certify that the above training has been completed. (h) You must maintain copies of training certificates and training records for each currently employed miner during his or her employment, except records and certificates of annual refresher training under § 46.8, which you must maintain for only two years. You must maintain copies of training certificates and training records for at least 60 calendar days after a miner terminates employment. | Please upload the following information: 1. A completed copy of the MSHA 5000-23 Form and / or 2. A document consisting of the following required fields: a. The printed full name of the person trained b. The type of training, duration of training, date the training was received, and the name of the competent person who provided the training. c. The name of the independent contractor with their identification number and the location of the training. d. The statement "False certification is punishable under Sec. 110(a) and (f) of the Federal Min Safety and Health Act," printed in a conspicuous manner. e. Signature of the trainer. |