Yancoal Business Rules | Induction Approvers
Yancoal Business Rules | Induction Approvers
Anika McEvoy
Gracielle Molino
Cindy Richardson
Owned by Anika McEvoy
Abel/Donaldson Induction Approvers
Last Name | First Name | Role |
Quinn | Michael | |
Kennerson | Adam | |
Gordon | Michael | |
Merchant | Brad | |
Benson | James | |
Brown | Phil | |
Brady | Mark | HST Manger/Superintendent |
If Trade role selected must have additional Signatures of Matt Wang or Luke Queenan |
Austar Induction Approvers
Last Name | First Name |
Farnworth | William |
Ingram | Mark |
Sneddon | Ryan |
Forth | Barry |
Wright | Matt |
McCormack | Carly |
McNaughton | Julie |
Brady | Mark |
Queenan | Luke |
Wang | Matt |
If Trade role selected must have additional Signatures of Matt Wang or Luke Queenan |
Ashton Induction Approvers
last | first | |
Kaltschmidt | Thomas | |
Bartlett | Michael | |
Brien | Spencer | |
Brown | Phillip | |
Buman | William | |
Peterkin | Justin | |
Clark | Brendon | |
Burzynski | Darren | |
Carpenter | Kane | |
Clark | Amanda | |
Tockuss | Ben | |
Bonnard | Matt | |
Forth | Lewis | |
Gore | Simon | |
Hedges | Brett | |
Jane David | Eliza | |
Jones | David | |
Kent | Steve | |
Cross | Glen | |
Knight | Luke | |
McInnes | Allan | |
McKay | Barry | |
Murdoch | Chad | |
Reid | Nathan | |
Johnson | Andrew | |
Smith | Rebecca | |
Sowter | Heath | |
Timbrell | Neil | |
Wier | Simon | |
Antwerp | Kobie Van | |
Folpp | Mitch | |
Wylie | Nicholas | |
Radnidge | Brad | |
Raine | Scott | |
Prince | Toby | |
Pike | Micheal | |
Thornberry | Andrew |
Moolarben Coal - Induction Approvers
Contracting Company Specific Approvers
Josie Blair | TimOliphant | Heather Hay | Emma Greenhalgh | Rebecca Shanks | Godfrey Banda |
Skillset Limited | A1 Earthworx Mining & Civil |
Joel Marshall | Will Bateman | Beau Fernance | Rebecca Shanks & Morgan Yeatman | Rebecca Shanks | Morgan Yeatman |
Moolarben Internal Employee Approvers - Underground
Last Name | First Name | Role |
Allenby | Steven (Steve) | Manager |
Barry | Paul | |
Bell | Simon | |
Blanch | Matthew | CAFS |
Pattullo | Amanda | |
Cooper | Mathew | HST Manager |
Ireland | Chad | |
Jensen | Bryce | |
Kyling | Brendan | |
Mildon | Liam | Tech Services Manager |
Rigg | David | |
Shadbolt | Christopher | |
Shanks | Rebecca | |
Trudgett | Ben | |
Ware | George | |
Wright | Alex | |
Hay | Heather | |
Baume | Elliot | Underground Operations Manager |
Moorman | Trent | |
Gleeson | Stephen | |
Davidson | Ryan | MEM |
Tones | Ashley | |
Desmond | Jason | |
Flood | Ian | Environment and Community Manager |
Moolarben Internal Employee Approvers - CHPP
Last Name | First Name | Role |
Adams | Trevor | |
Antich | Paul | (Tech Services Manager) |
Barry | Paul | |
Butt | Michael | |
Chapman | Jon | Superintendent |
Cooper | Mathew | HST Manager |
Ireland | Chad | |
Lonergan | Robert | CAFS |
McDonald | Dylan | |
Moorman | Trent | Manager |
Shadbolt | Cristopher | |
Shanks | Rebecca | |
Ware | George | |
Hay | Heather | |
Munks | Aaron | Water Superintendent |
Tones | Ashley | |
Desmond | Jason | |
Flood | Ian | Environment and Community Manager |
Moolarben Internal Employee Approvers -Open Cut
Last Name | First Name | Role |
Antich | Paul | (Tech Services Manager) |
Andresen | Kristen | Maintenance Superintendent (Field) |
Banton | Tony | Mining Superintendent |
Barry | Paul | |
Butt | Michael | |
Shanks | Rebecca | Supervisor |
Cooper | Mathew | HST Manager |
Davison | Andrew | |
Fernance | Beau | |
George | Brendan | CAFS |
Ireland | Chad | |
Kirkpatrick | Michael (Mick) | MCO - CAFS |
Maslen | Phill | Maintenance Superintendent |
Oliphant | Tim | Manager |
Sargent | Amanda | |
Shadbolt | Christopher | |
Smith | Luke | Infrastructure & Auxiliary Supervisor |
Thorn | Dan (Daniel) | |
Ware | George | |
Hay` | Heather | |
Benjamin | Gardiner | |
Munks | Aaron | Water Superintendent |
Moorman | Trent | |
Marshall | Joel | |
Virgona | Damian | |
Brakel | Christee-Lee | |
Wolfgang | Peter | |
Tones | Ashley | |
Desmond | Jason | |
Flood | Ian | Environment and Community Manager |
Moolarben Internal Employee Approvers - Projects
Last Name | First Name | Role |
Barry | Paul | Supervisor |
Brown | Dan | Supervisor |
Cooper | Mathew | HST Manager |
Danson | Craig | Supervisor |
Shanks | Rebecca | |
Butt | Michael | |
Shadbolt | Chrristopher | |
Moorman | Trent | |
Desmond | Jason |
MTW - Induction Approvers
All induction approvers are as per selection of the Site Contact list on the MTW Induction forms:
MTW - Induction Approval Form - Electrical
Yarrabee Induction Approvers
Department. | Position. | Name of Approver. | Specific Contractor Company, if any. | Email. |
Site | SSE | Mike Priestly | ALL | Michael.Priestly@yancoal.com.au |
Site | Commercial | Carol Jervis | ALL | carol.jervis@yancoal.com.au |
HR | HR Manager | Chloe Van Itallie | ALL | Chloe.VanItallie@yancoal.com.au |
HR | HR Superintendent | Kay Walsh | ALL | Kay.Walsh@yancoal.com.au |
HSTEC | Manager | Justin Vohland | ALL | Justin.Vohland@yancoal.com.au |
HSTEC | HST Superintendent | Julia Ahu | ALL | Julia.Ahu@yancoal.com.au |
HSTEC | Senior Training Advisor | Sydney Mills | ALL | Sydney.Mills@yancoal.com.au |
HSTEC | Emergency Services Advisor | Allan Ryder | ALL | allan.ryder@yancoal.com.au |
Enviro | SNR Enviroment Advisor | Lucas Armstrong | ALL | lucas.armstrong@yancoal.com.au |
CHPP | Manager | TBA - Vacant | ALL | |
CHPP | Coal Quality & Logistics Superintendent | Troy King | CHPP Contractors | Troy.King@yancoal.com.au |
CHPP | CHPP Project Coordinator | Wes Swaffield | CHPP Contractors | Wesley.Swaffield@yancoal.com.au |
CHPP | CHPP Superintendent | Jazmin Byles | CHPP Contractors | jazmin.byles@yancoal.com.au |
CHPP | CHPP MAINTENANCE & CONTRACTS SUPERVISOR | Neil Miller | CHPP Contractors | Neil.Miller@yancoal.com.au |
Maintenance | Manager | TBA - Vacant | ALL | |
Maintenance | Manager (Acting) | Steven Thurecht | Maintenance Contractors | Steven.Thurecht@yancoal.com.au |
Maintenance | Superintendent (acting) | Jamie Nolan | Maintenance Contractors | Jamie.Nolan@yancoal.com.au |
Maintenance | Supervisor | Bradon Broom | Maintenance Contractors | Bradon.Broom@yancoal.com.au |
Maintenance | Reliabilty and Planning Superintendent | Phillipus Bam | Maintenance Contractors | Phillipus.Bam@yancoal.com.au |
Tech Services | Tech Services Manager | Claude Larocque | Tech Services Contractors | Claude.Larocque@yancoal.com.au |
Tech Services | Mine Planning Superintendent | Dhaval Patel | Tech Services Contractors | dhaval.patel@yancoal.com.au |
Tech Services | Survey & Geology Superintendent | TBA - Vacant | Tech Services Contractors | |
Survey | Survey Superintendent | TBA - Vacant | Survey Contractors | |
Production/Mining | Manager | Simon Merrick | ALL | Simon.Merrick@yancoal.com.au |
Production/Mining | Mining Superintendent | Allan Hannah | Production & Support Contractors | allan.hannah@yancoal.com.au |
Production/Mining | Mining Superintendent | Glenn Morgan | Production & Support Contractors | glenn.morgan@yancoal.com.au |
Production/Mining | Mine support services Superintendent | Steven Hocking | Production & Support Contractors | Steven.hocking@yancoal.com.au |
Commercial | Manager | Charmain Crouch | ALL | Charmain.Crouch@yancoal.com.au |
Commercial | Stores Supervisor | Rayleen Gordon | Commercial Contractors | matthew.adlam@yancoal.com.au |
Drill and Blast | Drill and Blast Supervisor | Mikhael Johnson | Production & Support Contractors | Kurt.Edwards@yancoal.com.au |
Drill and Blast | Drill and Blast Supervisor | Glenn Andrews | Production & Support Contractors | Glenn.andrews@yancoal.com.au |
Electrical | Electrical Engineering Manager | Nathan Creevy | Electrical Contractors | nathan.creevy@yancoal.com.au |
Stratford - Induction Approvers
Last Name | First Name | Role |
Boorer | Robert | Electrical Supervisor (CHPP) |
Taylor | Leonie | Health Safety & Training Superintendent |
Cullen | John | Operation Manager (MEM) |
Farley | Ron | Mechanical Reliability Coordinator |
Hutchings | Todd | Coal Planning Superintendent |
Kellner | Paul | Mine Closure Supervisor |
Kirkwood | Thomas | Senior Environment & Community Advisor |
Cant | Don | Add – Maintenance Superintendent |
Robinson | Bruce | CHPP Superintendent |
Vaughan | Nathan | Mine Planning Superintendent/Statutory Mine Surveyor |
Wellings | Alexander | Add - Statutory Mechanical Engineer |
Bird | Michael | Mining Superintendent |
Lemmer | Henk | Projects Manager |
Randell | Simon | Project Closure Engineer |
Chase | Graham | Closure Manager |
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