Utilities Management Business Rules | Arrow Energy | Radiation


Competency NameCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
Radiation.Statement of Attainment.ED182 - Radiation Safety National Module
  • Name on Certificate must match the person registered (Shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
  • RTO Name, National Provider Code / RTO Number & Logo to be displayed on document
  • Must be a Statement of Attainment that lists 'ED182 - Radiation Safety National Module'
  • Issue or Completion date must be listed on document
  • Licence or Card also accepted if all requirements are met, front and back of card must be supplied
  • Colour Copy or black and white accepted
Expiry Date: 2 years after completion date
Radiation.Statement of Attainment.MEM3013B - Working Safely with Ionising Radiation
  • Name on Certificate must match the person registered (Shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
  • RTO Name, National Provider Code / RTO Number & Logo to be displayed on document
  • Must be a Statement of Attainment that lists 'MEM3013B - Working Safely with Ionising Radiation'
  • Issue or Completion date must be listed on document
  • Licence or Card also accepted if all requirements are met, front and back of card must be supplied
  • Colour Copy or black and white accepted
Expiry Date: None
Radiation.Training.Radiation Safety Certificate
  • Name on Certificate must match the person registered (Shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
  • Certificate to list Radiation Safety
Expiry Date: None

Competency NameCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples
Radiation.Licence.Radiation Use Licence
  • Name on Certificate must match the person registered (Shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
  • Licence must be in date
Expiry Date: 2 years after completion date