Generic.-.Apprenticeship Indenture Papers | - Applicants name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant name that's registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
- If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
- The uploaded evidence will be a copy of the applicants completed and signed Apprenticeship Indenture Papers
- The evidence must indicate the apprenticeship is / was for the relevant trade which aligns to their role selection
| - The date of commencement / enrollment on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus
- Expiry date = none
Generic.-.Traineeship / Apprenticeship Agreement | - Applicants name should be displayed on the evidence and should match the applicant name that's registered in Pegasus (However shortened versions of names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is accepted.
- If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Pegasus.
- The uploaded evidence will be a copy of the applicants Traineeship / Apprenticeship Agreement
- The evidence must indicate the apprenticeship is / was for the relevant trade which aligns to their role selection
| - The date of commencement / enrollment on the evidence should be recorded as the Issue Date in Pegasus
- Expiry date = none