Retail Business Rules | City FM | NZ | Info Requests

Retail Business Rules | City FM | NZ | Info Requests

 Company Details
General Details    Staff NumbersMust list a type and a number (ie Field Technicians = 7)
Registered AddressMust be a physical address
Accounts Receiveable AddressCan be a physical address or a PO Box
Work Order ContactMust have at least a phone or an email
Tax InvoiceNZBN on invoice matches NZBN registered in Onsite.
Business Name on the invoice to match the organisation registered. If it doesn't match, evidence must be provided to link the NZBN or business names together. This is ideally a letter or download from NZBN Office showing the linkage.
Insurance PoliciesPublic and/or Product Liability Insurance ExclusionsIf the response to this question is yes. Pegasus to obtain document which outlines details of exclusions, and attach this for escalation when sending the pack.

NZ Employment Guidance

Do you agree and acknowledge that you will employ legal workers (refer to guidance) and those workers will be employed as per the standing laws of New Zealand?Must state 'I acknowledge and agree'