Competency Name | Competency Requirements | Upload Requirements | Example Documents |
Emergency Response.Training.Emergency Preparedness and Response training including spill training (Desktop training) | - Applicants name to be shown on documentation
- Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
- We will accept either a certificate or a Attendance Reigster or a Training Report.
- Recognised Training Organisation name to be displayed on document
- Certificate will show completion of: Emergency Preparedness and Response training including spill training (Desktop training)
| - Completion date or issue date must be displayed
Skill.Course.Remote and Isolated Work Backpack | - Applicants name to be shown on documentation
- Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
- An external course that workers of the Transgrid Energy Connect site will need to complete and upload into the system
- We will accept either a certificate or a Attendance Reigster or a Training Report.
- Recognised Training Organisation name to be displayed on document
- Certificate will show completion of: Remote and Isolated Work Backpack
| - Completion date or issue date must be displayed
- Expiry Date = Not Required
| |
Company.Awareness.Executive Due Diligence sessions | - Applicants name to be shown on documentation
- Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
- We will accept either a certificate or a Attendance Reigster or a Training Report.
- Recognised Training Organisation name to be displayed on document
- Certificate will show completion of: Executive Due Diligence sessions
| - Completion date or issue date must be displayed
Leadership.Training.HSSE Leadership Training | - Applicants name to be shown on documentation
- Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
- We will accept either a certificate or a Attendance Reigster or a Training Report.
- Recognised Training Organisation name to be displayed on document
- Certificate will show completion of: HSSE Leadership Training
| - Completion date or issue date must be displayed
- No expiry date
Site.Induction.Delivery Driver Induction | - Applicants name to be shown on documentation
- Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
- We will accept either a certificate or a Attendance Reigster or a Training Report.
- Recognised Training Organisation name to be displayed on document
- Certificate will show completion of: Delivery Driver Induction
| - Completion date or issue date must be displayed
- No expiry date
Site.Induction.Driver Induction | - Applicants name to be shown on documentation
- Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
- We will accept either a certificate or a Attendance Reigster or a Training Report.
- Recognised Training Organisation name to be displayed on document
- Certificate will show completion of: Driver Induction
| - Completion date or issue date must be displayed
- No expiry date
Qualification.Awareness.Bush Fire & Fire Awareness Training | - Applicants name to be shown on documentation
- Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
- An external course that workers of the Transgrid Energy Connect site will need to complete and upload into the system
- We will accept either a certificate or a Attendance Reigster or a Training Report.
- Recognised Training Organisation name to be displayed on document
- Certificate will show completion of: Bush Fire & Fire Awareness Training
| - Completion date or issue date must be displayed
- No expiry date
| |
Site.-.Camp Specific Orientation | - Applicants name to be shown on documentation
- Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
- We will accept either a certificate or a Attendance Reigster or a Training Report.
- Recognised Training Organisation name to be displayed on document
- Certificate will show completion of: Site.-.Camp Specific Orientation
| - Completion date or issue date must be displayed
- No expiry date
PEC - Health and Safety Inductions | - Applicants name to be shown on documentation
- Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
- We will accept either a certificate or a Attendance Reigster or a Training Report.
- Recognised Training Organisation name to be displayed on document
- Certificate will show completion of: PEC - Health and Safety Induction
| - Completion date or issue date must be displayed
| |
PEC - Health and Safety Mobilisation Training | - Applicants name to be shown on documentation
- Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
- We will accept either a certificate or a Attendance Reigster or a Training Report.
- Recognised Training Organisation name to be displayed on document
- Certificate will show completion of: PEC - Health and Safety Mobilisation Training
| - Completion date or issue date must be displayed
- Expired Date = Not Required
| |
PEC - Risk Management Training | - Applicants name to be shown on documentation
- Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
- We will accept either a certificate or a Attendance Reigster or a Training Report.
- Recognised Training Organisation name to be displayed on document
- Certificate will show completion of: PEC - Risk Management Training
| - Completion date or issue date must be displayed
| |
Site.Induction.Forestry NSW Induction (Statement of Completion) | - Applicants name to be shown on documentation
- Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
- Workers are required to complete online Forestry NSW Inductions online
- Forestry NSW Induction: Inductions – Hume Forests Ltd
- The card must display a QR code, with the Inductee number located below the code
- Must be current
| - Expiry date: Valid for 2 Years. Record expiry as shown on the card.
|  |
Company.Awareness.Chain of Responsibility Training Module 1: General CoR Awareness | - Applicants name to be shown on documentation
- Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
- We will accept either a certificate or a Attendance Reigster or a Training Report.
- Recognised Training Organisation name to be displayed on document
- Certificate will show completion of: Chain of Responsibility Training Module 1: General CoR Awareness
| - Completion date or issue date must be displayed
- No expiry date
Company.Awareness.Chain of Responsibility Training Module 2: Fatigue Management, Speed compliance & Roadworthiness | - Applicants name to be shown on documentation
- Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
- We will accept either a certificate or a Attendance Reigster or a Training Report.
- Recognised Training Organisation name to be displayed on document
- Certificate will show completion of: Chain of Responsibility Training Module 2: Fatigue Management, Speed compliance & Roadworthiness
| - Completion date or issue date must be displayed
- No expiry date
Company.Awareness.Chain of Responsibility Training Module 3: Load Management Awareness | - Applicants name to be shown on documentation
- Applicants name must match (However shortened versions such as 'Chris' for Christopher can be accepted)
- We will accept either a certificate or a Attendance Reigster or a Training Report.
- Recognised Training Organisation name to be displayed on document
- Certificate will show completion of: Chain of Responsibility Training Module 3: Load Management Awareness
| - Completion date or issue date must be displayed
- No expiry date
Approved 3rd Party HV Switching Authorisation | Competency must be escalated externally to Transgrid to review/approve under all circumstances | Issue Date = Determined by Transgrid Expiry Date = Determined by Transgrid |
Transgrid approved evidence training | Competency must be escalated externally to Transgrid to review/approve under all circumstances | Issue Date = Determined by Transgrid Expiry Date = Determined by Transgrid |
Company.Competency Card.Transgrid Authorisation to Work Card | - Name on evidence to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Onsite
- Evidence will be an Authorisation to Work Card
- Card number and service number should be displayed
- Both sides of this card is required to be uploaded as the expiry date is often displayed on the back
- Black and white OR colour copies accepted
| - Issue Date = Only enter this if there is one displayed on the evidence
- Expiry Date = Only enter this if there is one displayed on the evidence
Electrical.-.PSSR 5-2 Application for Suitability Click here to download a copy of the application for authorisation to work form
| - Applicant’s name to be shown on document as per driver’s licence
- Applicant’s name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
- All questions must be completed with the exception of the following: ‘Any additional supporting evidence you wish to include’
- Applicant’s signature signed off
- Principal contractor or lead contractor signed off
- The applicant has ticked ‘Yes’ to having a distribution or electrical trade licence
- Applicant has a minimum of 60 points – see the total on page 3
- Supervisor Verification section has been completed, signed and dated by applicant’s supervisor
- Issue Date =ATW Approved date on final page of form
- Expiry date = Contract End Date on Form
- Avetta to verify
| - Issue Date =ATW Approved date on final page of form
| |
Electrical.-.PSSR 5-3 - Application for Suitability Click here to download a copy of the application for authorisation to work form | - Applicants name to be shown on document as per driver’s licence
- Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
- All fields on the form must be completed
- Applicant’s signature signed off
- Principal contractor or lead contractor signed off
- Applicant has ticked ‘Yes’ to currently holding PSSR 5.2 authorisation and if they tick ‘No’ they must also have submitted the 5.2 Suitability Application form and they satisfy all the business rules for PSSR 5.2 Suitability Application form
- All questions in Part A have been answered
- Supporting evidence has been filled in
- Part B has been completed, signed and dated by applicant’s supervisor
- Issue Date =ATW Approved date on final page of form
- Expiry date = Contract End Date on Form
- NOTE: Avetta employees will not verify this file - This file should be verified by Transgrid representative[s] in the system. Avetta Administrators to click here for further details on additional process
- Issue Date =ATW Approved date on final page of form
Electrical.-.PSSR 6-3 Application for Suitability Click here to download a copy of the application for authorisation to work form
| - Applicant’s name to be shown on document as per driver’s licence
- Applicant’s name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
- All questions must be completed with the exception of the following: ‘Any additional supporting evidence you wish to include’
- Applicant’s signature signed off
- Principal contractor or lead contractor signed off
- The applicant has ticked ‘Yes’ to having a certificate in ESI Transmission Lines
- Applicant has a minimum of 60 points – see the total on page 3
- Supervisor Verification section has been completed, signed and dated by applicant’s supervisor
- Issue Date =ATW Approved date on final page of form
- Expiry date = Contract End Date on Form
- Avetta to verify
| - Issue Date =ATW Approved date on final page of form
| |
Electrical.-.PSSR 6-4 Application for Suitability Click here to download a copy of the application for authorisation to work form
| - Applicants name to be shown on document
- Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
- All fields on the form must be completed including Transgrid representative sign-off
| - Issue Date =ATW Approved date on final page of form
Site.Induction.SEJV PEC Site Induction | - Applicants name to be shown on document
- Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
- Black and white OR colour copies accepted
| - Issue Date = Only enter this if there is one displayed on the evidence
- Expiry Date = Only enter this if there is one displayed on the evidence
Site.Induction.EnergyConnect HSE Induction | An external course that workers of the Transgrid Energy Connect site will need to complete and upload into the system. - Applicants name to be shown on document
- Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable
- Required evidence will be: An attendance report OR evidence will show course as EnergyConnect HSE Induction OR PEC - Health and Safety Mobilisation Training certificate
| - Issue Date = Shown as the 'compliance date' or date that the training was undertaken and deemed competent
- Expiry Date = Only enter this if there is one displayed on the evidence
| |
Safety.Course.Cultural Awareness Training Evolve 7 Steps | An external course that workers of the Transgrid Energy Connect site will need to complete and upload into the system. Screenshots can be one of the following: - An attendance report
- Evidence of course as Cultural Awareness Training Evolve 7 Steps
- Screenshot of the completed Cultural Awareness Training can be accepted
No name is required on screenshot Secure energy - Statement of completion - Applicants name to be shown on document
- Evidence of course as Cultural Awareness or PEC - Cultural Awareness
| - Issue Date = Shown as the 'compliance date' or date that the training was undertaken and deemed competent
- Expiry Date = Only enter this if there is one displayed on the evidence
| |
Driver.Course.Driving and Journey Management | An external course that workers of the Transgrid Energy Connect site will need to complete and upload into the system. - Applicants name to be shown on document
- Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable
- Required evidence will be: An attendance report OR evidence will show course as Driver Course Driving and Journey Management OR PEC - Health and Safety Mobilisation Training certificate
| - Issue Date = Shown as the 'compliance date' or date that the training was undertaken and deemed competent
- Expiry Date = Only enter this if there is one displayed on the evidence
| |
Emergency Response.Training.Emergency Preparedness and Response training including spill training (Desktop training) | An external course that workers of the Transgrid Energy Connect site will need to complete and upload into the system. - Applicants name to be shown on document
- Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable
- Required evidence will be: An attendance report OR evidence will show course as Emergency Preparedness and Response training including spill training (Desktop training) OR PEC - Health and Safety Mobilisation Training certificate
| - Issue Date = Shown as the 'compliance date' or date that the training was undertaken and deemed competent
- Expiry Date = Only enter this if there is one displayed on the evidence
| |
Risk Management.Training.Risk Management Training module 1 | An external course that workers of the Transgrid Energy Connect site will need to complete and upload into the system. - Applicants name to be shown on document
- Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable
- Required evidence will be: An attendance report OR evidence will show course as Risk Management Training module 1 OR Risk Management Training OR PEC - Health and Safety Mobilisation Training certificate
| - Issue Date = Shown as the 'compliance date' or date that the training was undertaken and deemed competent
- Expiry Date = Only enter this if there is one displayed on the evidence
| |
Risk Management.Training.Risk Management Training module 2 | An external course that workers of the Transgrid Energy Connect site will need to complete and upload into the system. - Applicants name to be shown on document
- Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable
- Required evidence will be: An attendance report OR evidence will show course as Risk Management Training module 2 OR Risk Management Training OR PEC - Health and Safety Mobilisation Training certificate
| - Issue Date = Shown as the 'compliance date' or date that the training was undertaken and deemed competent
- Expiry Date = Only enter this if there is one displayed on the evidence
| |
Skill.Course.Remote and Isolated Work Backpack | An external course that workers of the Transgrid Energy Connect site will need to complete and upload into the system. - Applicants name to be shown on document
- Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable
- Required evidence will be: An attendance report
- Required evidence will show course as Remote and Isolated Work Backpack
| - Issue Date = Shown as the 'compliance date' or date that the training was undertaken and deemed competent
- Expiry Date = Only enter this if there is one displayed on the evidence
Qualification.Awareness.Bush Fire & Fire Awareness Training | An external course that workers of the Transgrid Energy Connect site will need to complete and upload into the system. - Applicants name to be shown on document
- Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable
- Required evidence will be: An attendance report OR evidence will show course as Bush Fire & Fire Awareness Training OR PEC - Health and Safety Mobilisation Training certificate
| - Issue Date = Shown as the 'compliance date' or date that the training was undertaken and deemed competent
- Expiry Date = Only enter this if there is one displayed on the evidence
| |
Site.-.Dealing with Challenging Situations | - Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
- Acceptable forms of evidence are:
- Certificate of Completion showing JLL FLAC Program
- A certificate that has wording such as deal with difficult situations/people/conversations; difficult stakeholder management, conflict resolution/management
- Must be clear and legible
- Black and white or colour is acceptable
| Enter issue date as shown on the evidence | |
Management.Trained.Managing Difficult Conversation Training | - Applicants name to be shown on document and must match cardholders registered name in Onsite (however shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
- Acceptable forms of evidence are:
- Certificate of Completion showing JLL FLAC Program
- A certificate showing completion of difficult conversations training
- Must be clear and legible
- Black and white or colour is acceptable
| Enter issue date as shown on the evidence | |
OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction NSW | - Name on evidence to match the person registered (Shortened version of name is accepted EG. Chris for Christopher)
- If there is a Date of Birth (DOB) data field shown on the uploaded evidence Pegasus will verify the DOB that is listed matches the applicants registered DOB in Onsite
- Accepted form/s of evidence:
- OHS Construction induction card issued by the relevant / matching state authority: To be issued by the relevant / matching state authority: Workcover/ Safework / Worksafe
- Digital Licences for NSW White Card
- A confirmation letter or form that shows evidence of having ordered a replacement card issued by the relevant / matching state authority: Workcover/ Safework / Worksafe
- Screenshot from NSW LIcence Check Website showing applicant name, licence number, current status, start date amd licence type 'General Construction Induction Training Card'
NOTE: This form of evidence will have a number of nominated days on the document as to how long it will take to receive a card. The expiry date is based on the number of nominated days commencing from the issue date of the letter. - Only the front side of this card is required to be uploaded.
- Black and white or colour copies accepted
| |
OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction ACT | Click here for a list of Pegasus National Business Rules |
OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction NT |
OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction QLD |
OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction SA |
OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction TAS |
OH&S-WHS.Induction.Construction VIC |
OH&S-WHS.Qualified.Work safely in construction industry |