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Invite your Workers to the Workforce By Avetta Mobile App from the Supplier Portal. This view shows you how to Invite and also review status of workers who have/have not been invited.
Workforce By Avetta Invitation
Some Supplier Portals have a requirement to use a unique email address for workers. Review this video to see the reason for this implementation and how you can update your workers with their personal email address.
Unique Contacts Guide
Additional Video - Adding a New Worker
This video details the steps required for Adding a New Worker (your employee) in the Worker Roles Portal.
Additional Video - Renewing a Subscription
This video details the steps to renew a subscription in the various Worker Roles Portals.
Additional Video - Actioning Returned items
Been notified of an items that needs attention? You can action those using these steps.
For Portals with Pending Enrolments until Document Verified Enabled
This video details the additional steps required for Worker Portal applications that do not send out training links until all documents are approved first.
Renewing Worker Portal Documents
This shows the steps to renew expired/expiring documents in the Worker Portals.
Worker Portal Reports Module
This shows the added reports module to some Supplier Portals. Currently enabled in TransGrid, Visy and Patrick Terninals
For portals that implement the Book Training after Checkout feature
This video will take you through this feature and how as an administrator, you can manage worker bookings for classroom events, the screens it will prompt and how you can view other training bookings that have been made.
Managing Training Prerequisites
Video guide to undestanding the steps and process flow of trianing prerequisites in Worker Roles portals that have this option enabled.
Renew an Online Induction
Video guide taking you through the process to renew an online induction for a Worker. While the Client might be be different, the steps are the same if you need to renew your workers Online Inductions for a Client.
Steps to pay for portal items using a Purchase Order.
Note this needs to be organised with the team before this will work in the Supplier Portal
Using a PO in the Supplier Portal
Ending Employment
If you wish to end the association of a worker to your business, simply login to the portal, click Manage Employees > Employee > and click End Employment at the bottom of their profile:
New Feature - Company Relationships 17th March 2020
The Company Relationships Feature is designed for our Contractor Companies to help map out relationships they have at sites with the Client and their own Sub-contractors.