Supplier Portals

Supplier Portals

The Supplier Portal (previously callled Contractor/Worker Portal) is where Supplier Administrators manage workers, their roles and competencies for particular Pegasus Workforce Managment clients.

The available Supplier Portals are found in Pegasus Workforce Gateway with their own tiles (e.g. BHP, Yancoal, Lendlease). Simply add the corresponding tile and it will be available for easy access.

The Supplier Portal is designed for a simple, intuitive and streamlined interface, with alerts, colour-coded status of workers, roles and competencies, and corresponding icons for reference.

With the addition of the Quick Submit Verification process, portals are now more efficient than ever for our Supplier Administrators. Granting more feedback and tool tips inside the portals.

Watch the video above to learn about the Supplier Portal in a short video.

Click the image above to download the User Guide

A user guide exists for more in-depth overview of the new functions and statuses available in the Supplier Portal.

This covers:
Viewing Workers
Adding Workers
Adding Sites
Adding Roles
Adding Requirements
Submitting Roles

Or investigate these two sections below for more detail on the changes and improvements to the Supplier Portal.

 Quick Submit Verification Description

With Quick Submit Verification , documents can be submitted individually. The review process can be completed efficiently resulting in faster feedback if the document does not meet the client specific business rules, and cards (if applicable) printed earlier in the process. The role competency assignment process will be completed earlier in the process and therefore may allow workers to get on-site faster (if they meet the site requirements).  

As part of this shift from application-based submissions to competency-based submissions, there will be some notable changes to the verification process and portal functionality:

  • Worker Subscription Status Indicators - will more clearly reference Subscriptions, helping to differentiate between Compliance.

  • System Emails - Currently emails are sent out upon application approval or rejection. Post-launch of the Quick Submit Verification, a new model will be implemented, with system emails sent in the case of a Role approval or return. While Competency approvals will not generate an email – only Competency returns will.

  • Enhanced Visibility of Role and Competency Status Indicators - using badges and tooltips to make it easier to identify the exact status of a competency and the role.

  • Simplified Return Process - For actioning returned Competencies, there will be a new section in the supplier Portals 'Pending Actions’ area. If the role document submitted does not meet the client business rule, we will return the competency displaying a more detailed explanation for that document.

  • Subscription Enhancement - The Quick Submit Verification, for portals that require Subscriptions, will enforce workers to have a valid Subscription before they are able to add Roles, submit any documents, or book into training.

Regarding worker cards, they can now be applied for and printed faster. Currently, applications include the worker's subscription, profile picture and role data. This new workflow allows us to enhance our verification process for photos onto printed cards. Moving forward for new workers, an administrator can simply pay for a subscription and upload a valid profile picture, and then the card application is sent to the administrator team for processing.  The Worker Profile Pictures will now also be verified each time they are submitted or updated. Note not all Clients use printed cards.

Additionally, worker profiles will no longer be 'locked’ if they have an application in progress that was submitted by a secondary company. This will allow different employers to begin an application for a Worker who is 'locked’ from editing with a different company. This model allows workers that belong to multiple companies to be processed concurrently. 

By accepting competency submissions one-by-one and incorporating worker participation through the mobile application, Avetta empowers suppliers and workers to streamline their compliance processes. The enhanced efficiency, improved user experience, faster turnaround time, and detailed feedback provided by this feature is aiming to improve overall workforce management.

The Quick Submit Verification offers:
More Status Labels

Context specific text on items

Greater feedback on items that need attention

Ability to submit items individually

Giving you more information on your role application submissions

Email notifications include more feedback on items
If you have any questions our support teams are available via the regular support phone line during business hours or by email.

 FAQ on Quick Submit Verification

Supplier Administrator FAQ's

Q. Does the introduction of this new functionality change the way I navigate or login to the portal?
A. No. You can still access the portal in exactly the same way – You won't notice any changes until you are logged into the worker portal.

Q. I am in ‘Manage Roles’ and there is a message indicating I cannot proceed to add sites / roles / competencies for my worker due to an invalid subscription – Where do I go from here?
 Please navigate to ‘Manage Employees’ and select the worker in this list – You will be able to apply a subscription to them and then go back to ‘Manage Roles’ to continue your work toward getting them compliant.

Q. Will the processing of my workers documents happen more quickly now?
 Standard document verification timeframes of 2-3 business days from the point of submission still apply however by having the ability to submit one document at a time rather than waiting until an entire application is filled and submitted, you should start to see incremental feedback from our processing team sooner. Ultimately, this should provide a reduction to overall turnaround times.

Q. Is a physical card really going to be supplied to us before a worker’s application is completed?
Yes – We want to ensure we are providing you with the most efficient service wherever possible. We acknowledge that physical card transit times can sometimes cause a lengthy delay to site access, so card printing (and the associated photo approval process) has been ‘brought to the front’ of the registration workflow. It allows our team to process, print and post your workers cards while you are simultaneously working to finalise compliance for their roles and competencies.
But Beware: Just because a worker has received a physical card, this does not necessarily mean they are OK to access site – You will need to ensure the whole portal application is completed and approved to reduce the chances of workers being turned away at the gate. We have taken the time to ensure this message is reiterated within the portal and also on the letter which the physical card will be posted with.

Q. Are there any locks placed on workers after submitting all requirements?
. Yes, after you have finished all of your document uploads and LMS bookings (where required), you will be prompted to submit the roles application. At this point you will be cautioned that the workers application will become locked while it is awaiting review from one of our team members.
It is worth noting that while this lock is in place for companies that have submitted the application, if the worker has a secondary company that is also attempting to update their application, they would not be subjected to any locks; The secondary company will be free to commence an application for this worker as well; alleviating one of the key issues that affects supplier admin companies today.

Q. Will I be able to book someone into an LMS courses without firstly providing other documents.
No. You must meet all other document upload requirements for each role before being taken through to course selector. This design is intentional as it allows us to reduce the chances of workers being incorrectly enrolled to trainings that are not suitable for them.

Q. Where LMS training has a cost associated to it, would I be required to purchase a subscription as a first transaction (so I can upload/submit mandatory docs), and then pay for the training as a second transaction - or can I still pay for the entire workers application in one transaction?
The worker must have a valid subscription before the Supplier Admin can add roles, upload documents or book training; therefore, the Supplier Admin will need to pay for the worker’s subscription first. In the event that a training enrolment has a fee, a secondary payment will be required.

Q. Will I still receive all the same email notifications that I used to receive?
 We will be communicating more effectively than ever. These are the triggers that would prompt an email to the person that started the application:

  • Card (with photo) applications will trigger an email on either APPROVE or RETURN action.

  • Individual Competency RETURN action**

  • Roles applications will trigger an email on either APPROVE or RETURN action.

**Individual Competency APPROVE action will not trigger an email; We are conscious of the fact that most supplier admins would prefer that we keep our email correspondence to significant updates or call to action and would prefer not to be inundated with emails about everything.

The content of the RETURN emails has also been enhanced to ensure you receive more specific and targeted comments that are visible to you straight away before logging into the portal. 

Q. What will happen to the applications we have submitted before the change-over date? Applications that were submitted using the ‘whole application at once’ functionality?
 A backend process will be completed by our developers to re-format those applications so that one streamlined process can be followed for supplier admins from the cutover date to the new functionality.

Want an in depth overview of the Supplier Portal Process?

This webinar covers the Quick Submit Verification Supplier Portal enhancement.
By registering for this session you will be able to:

  • Understand the benefits as a Supplier Administrator
  • See the Supplier Portal enhancement
  • Watch the process from adding a new worker to having their roles submitted and seeing the follow up emails.
  • Have your questions answered live (or emailed to our team if watching on-demand)
  • See our support content to help your colleagues

Click here to register and watch this on-demand

Below are some quick tip videos that cover various actions you can perform in out Supplier Portals. Note that not all Supplier Portals have the same features as our Clients tailor them to their requirements.

Invite your Workers to the Workforce By Avetta Mobile App from the Supplier Portal. This view shows you how to Invite and also review status of workers who have/have not been invited.

Workforce By Avetta Invitation

Some Supplier Portals have a requirement to use a unique email address for workers. Review this video to see the reason for this implementation and how you can update your workers with their personal email address.

Unique Contacts Guide

Additional Video - Adding a New WorkerThis details the steps required for Adding a New Worker (your employee) in the Supplier Portal.

Additional Video - Renewing a Subscription

This video details the steps to renew a subscription in the various Supplier Portals.

Additional Video - Actioning Returned items

Been notified of an item that needs attention? You can action those using these steps.

 For Portals with Pending Enrolments until Document Verified Enabled

This video details the additional steps required for Supplier Portal applications that do not send out training links until all documents are approved first.

 Supplier Portal Reports Module

This shows the added reports module to Supplier Portals.

For portals that implement Classroom Training

Managing Training Prerequisites

Renew an Online Induction


This video will take you through this feature and how as an administrator, you can manage worker bookings for classroom events, the screens it will prompt and what a sample email will look like.

Video guide to undestanding the steps and process flow of training prerequisites in Supplier portals that have this option enabled.

Video guide taking you through the process to renew an online induction for a Worker. While the Client might be be different, the steps are the same if you need to renew your workers Online Inductions for a Client.

 Steps to pay for portal items using a Purchase Order.

Note this needs to be organised with the accounts@pegasus.net.au team before this will work in the Supplier Portal

Using a PO in the Supplier Portal

Ending Employment

If you wish to end the association of a worker to your business, simply login to the portal, click Manage Employees > Employee > and click End Employment at the bottom of their profile:

Company Relationships
This is designed for our Contractor Companies to help map out relationships they have at sites with the Client and their own Sub-contractors.

Contractor Companies will be able to make the relationship connections in the Roles Portal, so that they can track the hierarchy of these relationships when viewing a company.

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