Legacy Items

Legacy Items

Some Avetta Workforce Management Clients are still using our Legacy Portals and Systems to mange their workforce.

We have clients still using older V2 Supplier Portals.

We have Supplier Administrators still accessing their worker information in the ConcoWeb Portal.

Review these items here.

NOTE: As of October 2022, there is a slighty new process needed to access these Version 2 Supplier portals for Woolworths, David Jones and Sydney Water.
If you are a company administrator joining us, or was granted access to an Avetta Account but unsure what it is, review this video first.

Video showing how to log into V2 Supplier portals

Contractor "ConcoWeb" Webinar

Been given an Onsite Track Easy username and password?
Can access the Onsite link from inside the Workforce Management Gateway Portal?

Want to know what it all means?  This video will break down what this ConcoWeb access can do for you as a Supplier Administrator.
This webinar video is a detailed look at the Onsite Track Easy - ConcoWeb.
This is the personalized portal each Contracting Company is granted with their Onsite Track Easy login.

Contractor "ConcoWeb" Webinar

Onsite Track Easy Concoweb Overview

Not as detailed as the ConcoWeb Webinar but certainly shorter!

This shorter video covers:
1. Viewing User Permissions
2. Searching and viewing Employees
3. Viewing Worker Roles and Competencies
4. Checking Company Compliance
5. Running Reports.

If you are wanting to know how to:

  • View all of your worker roles and competencies in one place
  • Check the Site Access your workers have
  • Add additional users to access Supplier Portals
  • Run live reports on where your workers are at sites
  • Run expiring competency reports in advance to prepare your workers for the future.

This is the video for you!

NOTE: This example video is using a Full Onsite Contractor License. If you want to know more about that, see this link

The V2 Supplier portal has the ability to manage Company Compliance, Manage a Worker, add a new Worker, Enroll in Training and Purchase Worker Subscriptions, among other tasks. This page will display some guides, while some are branded for particular clients, will still be the same core concepts for all V2 Portal users.
Access to a portal requires an Onsite Track Easy Username and Password with user level access. Contractor Company Administrators are able to create these for their staff that require access to these portals.
 Adding Portal User Access

Adding Portal Access as a Company Administrator

  1. Log Into Onsite Track Easy - https://secure.onsitetrackeasy.com.au
  2. Click on "person", Users
  3. Click on "search" with no data in the search field to display all users currently with an account

    If there are results, click on a name to find out more information on their user rights.
  4. Click "add" to create a new user. If there are existing employees for your company, a list of them will appear for you to potentially choose one of them to have an account added to their profile. It saves you time having to create a new one from scratch. Ensure they are listed as "Contractor Web" User Type
  5. For brand new portal user in this instance select "add as new".
  6. Enter in the required Name and Email address.
  7. Tick the items you wish this user to have permissions for in the Portal and in the Contractor "Concoweb" space. Permission details and user rights can be found on the Glossary page. Currently Mobile App access is NOT configured for Contractors. Disregard that section of the user rights.
  8. Click Save when done and an email will be sent to that user informing them of their access they now have.

Additional User Guides for Supplier Administrators in the ConcoWeb Portal

User Guide for Company Registration
Company Registration.pdf

User Guide for Updating Company Insurances and documents

Updating Company Insurances and Documents.pdf

User Guide for Managing Workers and Inductions
Worker Registration and Induction Bookings.pdf

User Guide for Updating Worker Subscription and Documents
Renewing Worker Subscriptions and Documentation.pdf

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