Mining Business Rules | Middlemount | Individual | Statement of Attainment

Mining Business Rules | Middlemount | Individual | Statement of Attainment

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Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM210D - Remove and fit wheel assemblies

A statement of attainment quoting AURKTJ012 - Remove, inspect and fit earthmoving and off-the-road wheel and rim assemblies or AURLTJ113 - Remove, inspect and refit light vehicle wheel and tyre assemblies will be accepted.

Issue date to be recorded as per document

Issue date must be within the last 5 years.

If the issue date is more than 5 years ago, the document should be rejected.

Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM211D - Remove, repair and refit tyres and tubes

A statement of attainment quoting AURKTJ011 - Remove, inspect and fit earthmoving and off-the-road tyres or equivalent will be accepted.

Issue date to be recorded as per document

Issue date must be within the last 5 years.

If the issue date is more than 5 years ago, the document should be rejected.

Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMEX302 - Assess Ground ConditionsFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  • RTO Name and Code must be shown
  • RIIME302 – Assess Ground Conditions site based assessment document can also be accepted

**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document

  • Units of competency code and name must be shown
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)

  • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
  • NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code
  • Issue date to be recorded as per document
  • Expiry date is to be calculated to occur 3 years from the date of training completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued. Expiry should be calculated to occur on the date which is 4x weeks from the date of training completion

Mining.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS202D - Enter and Work in Confined SpacesFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  • RTO Name and Code must be shown

**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document

  • Units of competency code and name must be shown
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)

  • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
  • NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code


  • Issue date to be recorded as per document
  • Expiry date is to be calculated to occur 3 years from the date of training completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued. Expiry should be calculated to occur on the date which is 4x weeks from the date of training completion

Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS204D - Work Safely at HeightsFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  • RTO Name and Code must be shown

**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document

  • Units of competency code and name must be shown
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)

  • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
  • NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code
  • Issue date to be recorded as per document
  • Expiry date is to be calculated to occur 3 years from the date of training completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued. Expiry should be calculated to occur on the date which is 4x weeks from the date of training completion

Shotfirer.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA301 - Conduct surface shotfiring operationsFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  • RTO Name and Code must be shown

**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document

  • Units of competency code and name must be shown
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
  • RIIMEX302D Assess Ground Conditions Assessment can also be accepted 

  • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
  • NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code
  • Issue date to be recorded as per document
  • Expiry date is to be calculated to occur 3 years from the date of training completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued. Expiry should be calculated to occur on the date which is 4x weeks from the date of training completion

Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN311 - Conduct Integrated Tool Carrier OperationsFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  • RTO Name and Code must be shown

**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document

  • Units of competency code and name must be shown
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
  • RIIMEX302D Assess Ground Conditions Assessment can also be accepted 

  • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
  • NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit codev
  • Issue date to be recorded as per document
  • Expiry - 5 years from issue date
    • Training assessment can be accepted and is valid for 5 years from approval date 

Certificate.Statement of Attainment.MSMPER200 - Work In Accordance With An Issued PermitFor the Statement of Attainment or Transcript:
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • Applicants name on document must match cardholders registered name (However shortened versions of first names such as 'Chris' for 'Christopher' is acceptable)
  • Please note; the certified document that has been issued by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)** must meet the following requirements to be approved:
  • RTO Name and Code must be shown

**RTO registration must only have been current at the time of training completion / awarding the document

  • Units of competency code and name must be shown
  • Authorised person name or title (does not necessarily need a signature)
  • Issuing organisation’s logo / corporate identifier / unique watermark and / or document or certificate number
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo (For a Statement of Attainment only - Not Card)
  • RIIMEX302D Assess Ground Conditions Assessment can also be accepted 
  • Work Permit Issuer appointment document gained from site can also be accepted 

  • NOTE: Cards are accepted in lieu of statement of attainment certificates providing they show the relevant statement of attainment unit of competency as well as all other necessary information relating to applicant details and RTO details
  • NOTE: Temporary / Interim statement of attainment evidence or letters indicating they are for temporary issue until statement of attainment certificate is provided to applicant is acceptable for a period of 4 weeks only from the date of the training being complete which should be indicated on the letter providing it has been issued by an RTO and indicates completion of a nationally recognised unit code
  • Issue date to be recorded as per document
  • Expiry date is to be calculated to occur 3 years from the date of training completion EXCEPT in the instance where a temporary / Interim statement of attainment document is issued. Expiry should be calculated to occur on the date which is 4x weeks from the date of training completion

High Risk Licence - RIIHAN212D - Conduct non-slewing crane operations

The below statement of attainments or licences can be approved:

  • RIIHAN304E - Conduct Slewing Crane Operations
  • HRWL CLASS - C2 Licence to operate slew crane (up to 20 tonnes)
  • HRWL CLASS - C6 Licence to operate slew crane (up to 60 tonnes)
  • HRWL CLASS - C1 Licence to operate slew crane (up to 100 tonnes)
  • HRWL CLASS - C0 Licence to operate slew crane (open/over 100 tonnes)

Issue date to be recorded as per document

Expiry - 5 years from issue date

 Drug and Alcohol Testing.Course.10414 Course in Drug & Alcohol Testing  
  • Statement of Attainment to be provided
  • Applicants name to be shown on document
  • RTO Name and Code must be shown

  • Issue date to be recorded as per document
  • No expiry

CompetencyBusiness Rule Re-Direction Link
Cabler.Statement of Attainment.PMBPROD209 - Operate cable winding equipment
Click here to navigate through to the Pegasus National business rules for this competency

Certificate.Statement of Attainment.AHCMOM213 - Operate and maintain Chainsaws
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.AURHTB005 - Analyse and evaluate faults in heavy commercial vehicle braking systems
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.AURKTB002 - Analyse and evaluate faults in wheeled mobile plant braking systems
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.AURKTJ016 - Use earthmoving and off-the-road tyre handlers
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.AURLTB002 - Analyse and evaluate faults in light vehicle braking systems
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.MSMPER300 - Issue Work Permits
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.MSMWHS217 - Gas Test Atmosphere or site based competency assessment for RIIENV301
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.PMBWELD301B - Butt Weld Polyethylene Plastic Pipelines or equivalent
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.PMBWELD302B - Electrofusion Weld Polyethylene Pipelines or equivalent
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA203E - Conduct mobile mixing of explosives
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN201E - Operate a forklift
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN203D - Conduct Lifting Operations
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN208 - Perform dogging
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN209E - Perform basic rigging
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN210D - Perform intermediate rigging operations
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN211D - Conduct basic scaffolding operations
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN212D - Conduct non-slewing crane operations
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN302D - Conduct intermediate scaffolding operations
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN304E - Conduct slewing crane operations 
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN305 - Operate a gantry or overhead crane
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN307 - Operate a vehicle loading crane
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMCP202 - Conduct Rail Dispatch Operations
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMCP301 - Monitor Plant Operations for Coal Preparation
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO301E - Conduct Hydraulic Excavator Operations
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO304E - Conduct Wheel Loader Operations 
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO305F - Conduct Coal Stockpile Dozer Operations
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO334 - Conduct Skid Steer Loader Operations using attachments 
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO337E - Conduct Articulated Haul Truck Operations
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIOGD403D - Conduct Drilling operations
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIPRO301 - Conduct Crushing and Sceening Plant Operations
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIPRO302 - Perform Control Room Operations
 Shotfirer.Statement of Attainment.RIIBLA201 - Support Shotfiring Operations 
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM202D - Isolate and Access Plant  
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM203D - Use hand and power tools
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM204D - Operate small plant and equipment
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM205D - Cut, weld and bend materials
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM207D - Apply operational maintenance skills
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM208D - Perform plant operational maintenance
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM209D - Carry out operational maintenance
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM212D - Service Mine Plant and equipment
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM213D - Position and Set Up Mobile Lighting
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM301E - Test operational functions of vehicles and equipment
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIISRM302 - Conduct Stockpile Reclaim Operations
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.RIIWBP201 - Treat and Dispose of Rjects and Tailings
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.Standard 11 - Surface Operations
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.Standard 11 - Underground Operations
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.UEPOPS
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.UEPOPS349 - Operate local HV switchgear
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.UEPOPS424 - Coordinate local HV networks
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.UEPOPS428 - Develop HV switching programs
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.UEPOPS456 - Perform switching to a switching program  
Certificate.Statement of Attainment.UEPOPS525 - Coordinate and direct switching program
Drug Testing.Statement of Attainment.HLTPAT005 - Collect specimens for drugs of abuse testing
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID003   Provide first aid
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID006   Provide advanced first aid
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID007   Provide advanced resuscitation
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.HLTPAT005 Collect specimens for drugs of abuse testing
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PMAOHS211B   Prepare equipment for emergency response
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAEQU001B - Prepare, maintain and test response equipment
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFER005 - Operate as part of an emergency control organisation
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR207B - Operate breathing apparatus open circuit
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR215 - Prevent injury
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR218 - Respond to isolated structure fire
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR309B - Operate pumps
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR316 - Identify, detect and monitor hazardous materials at an incident
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUAFIR320 - Render hazardous materials incidents safe
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUASAR022A   Participate in rescue operation
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUASAR022A   Participate in rescue operation (Pre Req for others)
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUASAR024A- Undertake Road crash rescue
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUASAR025A   Undertake confined space rescue
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUASAR032A   Undertake vertical rescue
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.PUATEA001B - Work in a team
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.RIIERR201D   Conduct fire team operations
Emergency Response.Statement of Attainment.RIIERR302D - Respond to local emergencies and incidents
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.HLTAID001 - Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
First Aid.Statement of Attainment.UETTDRRF06B - Perform Rescue From a Live LV Panel 
Incident Investigator.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS301D - Conduct Safety and Health Investigations (S2)
Management.Statement of Attainment.BSBWHS407 - Assist with Claims Management, Rehabilitation and Return-to-Work Programs
Management.Statement of Attainment.RIICOM301D - Communicate Information (S3)
Mechanical.Statement of Attainment.AURKTJ011 - Remove, inspect and fit earthmoving and off-the-road tyres or equivalent
Mechanical.Statement of Attainment.AURKTJ012 - Remove, inspect and fit earthmoving and off-the-road wheel and rim assemblies
OH&S-WHS.Statement of Attainment.RIIWHS601D - Establish and Maintain the WHS Management System (G7)
Operator Elevated Work Platform.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN301D - Operate Elevating Work Platform
Operator Elevated Work Platform.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN301E - Operate elevating work platform
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIHAN309E - Conduct telescopic materials handler operations
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO206D - Conduct Bulk Water Truck Operations
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO208F - Operate Support Equipment 
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO308F - Conduct Tracked Dozer Operations
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO309F - Conduct Wheeled Dozer Operations
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO310F - Conduct Grader Operations
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO312E - Conduct Scraper Operations
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO319E - Conduct Backhoe and Loader Operations
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO335E - Conduct Skid Steer Loader Operations without attachments 
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIMPO338D - Conduct Rigid Haul Truck Operations
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIPEO201 - Conduct Conveyor Operations
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIVEH201D - Operate Light Vehicle
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIVEH202D - Operate a Medium Vehicle
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIVEH302D - Operate Multi-Combination Vehicle
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIVEH303E - Drive Heavy Combination Vehicle
Operator.Statement of Attainment.RIIVEH307E - Operate Heavy Rigid Vehicle
Rail.Statement of Competency.TLIF2080 - Safely Access the Rail Corridor
Resource Industry.Statement of Attainment.RIISAM214 - Provide Support to Electrical Tradesperson
Risk Management.Statement of Attainment.RIIRIS301D - Apply Risk Management Processes (S1)
Risk Management.Statement of Attainment.RIIRIS402D - Carry Out the Risk Management Process (G2)
Risk Management.Statement of Attainment.RIIRIS601D - Establish and Maintain the Risk Management System (G3)
High Risk Licence -RIIHAN304E - Conduct slewing crane
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN305 - Operate a gantry or overhead crane
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN212D - Conduct non-slewing crane operations
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN307 - Operate a vehicle loading crane
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN208 - Perform dogging 
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN201E - Operate a forklift 
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN210D - Perform intermediate rigging operations 
High Risk Licence -  RIIHAN209E - Perform basic rigging 
High Risk Licence - RIIHAN211D - Conduct basic scaffolding operations
High Risk Licence -  RIIHAN302D - Conduct intermediate scaffolding operations

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