Rail Business Rules | Operator Specific | CRN | Road Rail

Rail Business Rules | Operator Specific | CRN | Road Rail

 Road Rail Vehicle

CompetencyCompetency RequirementsUpload RequirementsExamples

Operator.Qualified.CRN - RRV- Under 10 Tonne - Type of Machine

  • Clearly show grouped details about the evidence required for this competency, such as:
  • what evidence is required,
  • special requirements, authorisations,
  • data that needs to be checked, etc.
    • Clearly identify any special requirements when the person is uploading evidence, such as:
      Expiry periods

Operator.Qualified.CRN RRV Rail - Over 10 Tonne - Type of Machine
  • Clearly show grouped details about the evidence required for this competency, such as:
  • what evidence is required,
  • special requirements, authorisations,
  • data that needs to be checked, etc.
  • Clearly identify any special requirements when the person is uploading evidence, such as:
    Expiry periods