Rail Business Rules | Operator Specific | CRN | Electrical

Rail Business Rules | Operator Specific | CRN | Electrical

 Electrical Network Safety Rules
 Electrical.Qualified.Electrical Network Safety Rules (ESIs/ENSR Annually)

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Electrical.Qualified.Electrical Network Safety Rules (ESIs/ENSR Annually)

This competency requires a Statement or Attainment or Qualification, which shows the following units of competency have been completed:

  1. UETTDRRF02B Perform Tower Rescue
  2. UETTDRRF03B Perform EWP Controlled Descent Escape
  3. UETTDRRF04B Perform EWP Rescue
  4. UETTDRRF06B Perform Pole Top Rescue
  5. UETTDRRF08B Perform a Rescue from a Live LV Panel
  6. HLTAID001 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Statements of Attainment are only issued by the following approved Registered Training Organisations:

  • Federation Training
  • GET Compliance
  • IAC Safety Services
  • Certificate or qualification uploaded showing the six (6) completed units.
  • Issue Date = Date of completion shown on document
  • Expiry Date = 12 months from issue date.
  • Qualifications must be uploaded with the transcript/ statement of attainment.