Generic.Course.John Holland (PE) – Strategic Safety & Quality | - A Statement of Attainment or John Holland Employee Screen dump from C21 of the John Holland Operational Safety and Quality course is required for this competency.
- A Statement of Attainment must be issued by John Holland Registered Training Organisation (RTO) relevant to this unit of competency BSBOHS404B Contribute to the implementation of strategies to control OHS risk.
NOTE: BSBOHS404A is not acceptable - No expiry period required for this competency.
| - Please upload a copy of your Statement of Attainment or Employee record screen shot.
- Employee record screen dump from C21 must show on the “Training History” tab and show: SSQE Strategic SQE Risk Management.
- The Statement of Attainment issued by the RTO must meet the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) requirements and clearly show:
- the RTO national provider number.
- the Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) logo in accordance with the current conditions of service.

Safety.Assessment.Safety Awareness Assessment – Development | - The assessment is completed Online – Revelian (online) – previously known as Onetest with the results showing for:
- Onetest Work Safety Assessment – Development (OWSA-D).
- Revelian Work Safety Assessment – Development (RWSA-D).
- No expiry for this competency.
| - Please upload a copy of the final report to this competency.
- The front page only of the final report is to be uploaded. NO RESULTS are to be published.
- Issue Date = As shown on document (assessment date)

Generic.Awareness.Safety Awareness Session– Excavation and Trenching | - This session describes how to prepare and conduct excavation and trenching work
Evidence can be: - C21 Screen Dump from Lice/qual Screen
- Certificate (issued by JHG only)
- Issue Date = As shown on Certificate
Generic.Course.JH – Excavation and Trenching Procedural Awareness Training | - Please upload a copy of the John Holland Attendance sheet with the course name on it
| - Issue Date = As shown on Certificate
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