Introduction to Work, Health & Safety Terminology and Definitions

Introduction to Work, Health & Safety Terminology and Definitions

Introduction to Work Health & Safety Terminology and Definitions

WHS Terminology


Examples / Images

AS/NZS 4801:2001

AS/NZS 4801:2001 is the Australian and New Zealand standard for safety management. This standard is the benchmark when assessing Occupational Health and Safety management systems as many audit tools reference this standard.


The Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ)  is an accreditation authority and framework. The purpose is to enhance national, trans-tasman and international trade via accreditation to achieve international recognition for the excellence of Australian and New Zealand goods and services.

OHSAS 18001

The OHSAS 1800:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management Certification is an international standard (ISO) which provides a framework to identify, control and decrease the risks associated with health and safety within the workplace.

ISO 14001

The ISO 14001:2015 standard is the international standard for environmental compliance. The standard specifies requirements for an effective environmental management system (EMS). The standard provides a framework that an organization can follow for work where environmental aspects and impacts are found.

ISO 9001

The ISO 9001: 2016 standard is an International standard that provides the framework for an effective Quality Management System. It is one of the most widely recognized and commonly used standards throughout the world and applies to all types of businesses regardless of their size, industry, product or service offering.

ISO 45001

The ISO 45001:2018 standard is an International Standard that specifies requirements for an Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) management system, with guidance for its use, to enable an organization to proactively improve its OH&S performance in preventing injury and ill-health.

Confined Space

Defined as an enclosed or partially enclosed space that is not designed or intended for human occupancy. It can have the following risk/s 1) oxygen concentration outside the safe oxygen range; 20 a concentration of airborne and flammable contaminants; chance of engulfment.


Continual Improvement

A continual improvement process, also often called a continuous improvement process (CIP or CI), is an ongoing effort to improve products, services, or processes. These efforts can seek "incremental" improvement over time or "breakthrough" improvement all at once.

Process / training / product / service improvements evidence

Control Measures

Are actions taken to eliminate or minimise health and safety risks so far as is reasonably practicable. Control measures should be implement via the "hierarchy of control" which should be part of the company's Risk Management procedure.

Additional training / warning signs / change in procedure

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)

LTIFR refers to Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate which can be calculated by the number of lost time injuries occurring in a workplace per 1 million hours worked. The frequency rate is the number of occurrences of injury or disease for each million hours worked. To calculate a LTIFR, a company will divide the number of occurrences (in a period) by the number of hours worked (in the same period) x 1, 000, 000. LTIFR provides evidence of how safe a workplace is for its workers.

Found in the AS 1885.1-1990 section 6.12  page 20

Incident Frequency Rate

The incident frequency rate is the number of occurrences on injury/disease for each one hundred workers employed. Calculated by dividing the number of occurrences in the period by number of workers x 100.

Found in the AS 1885.1-1990 section 6.10 page 20

Non-conformance Report (NCR)

A non-conformance report, or non-conformity report or NCR, is a construction-related document that addresses specification deviation or work that fails to meet quality standards. The report is used as part of quality control processes by detailing the problem, how it occurred, and how to prevent it from happening again.

The process you take for non-conformance reporting.

Non-conformance Trend Analysis (NCTA)

Trend Analysis Part of the quality control process is to issue regular reports that log non-conformance, accepted or non-accepted variances, delays, cost overruns or other problems. If these reports are reviewed on a regular basis, trends may be discerned which, if considered to be adverse, can then be addressed by taking appropriate corrective action.

How do you monitor Non-conformance trending

Medical Treatment Injury (MTI)

Medical Treatment Injuries. A medical treatment injury (MTI) is defined as an injury or disease that resulted in a certain level of treatment (not first aid treatment) given by a physician or other medical personnel under standing orders of a physician.

Treatment requiring hospital or GP treatment.

Organisational Chart

An organizational chart is a diagram that visually conveys a company's internal structure by detailing the roles, responsibilities, and relationships between individuals within an entity. 

The business roles and people who hold them

Prosecution / Prohibition Notices

A prohibition or prosecution notice is a document that is used by a regulator that may include directions to stop or change a work activity with the aim to prevent illness or injury. For example, a scaffolding company maybe issued a notice to amend the scaffold, at a job, if an inspection has detected a risk and found the scaffold not safe to be used.  

Prohibition notice will stop work immediately if deemed unsafe / Penalty notices will be issued for serious offences such as removing asbestos without a licence.

Risk Behaviour Audit

A risk behaviour audit is the examination and recording of the effectiveness of a situation or location - such as a work place or work activity. The object of this audit is to identify gaps which may have been missed or presented. A RBA is another layer of identifying and controlling hazards and can be conducted as a interaction with workers or via by observation.

Behavioural risk is the possibility of undesirable risk outcomes caused by poor workforce behaviours (or conduct) and the cultural factors that drive them.

Risk Management Procedure

Risk management is defined as the process of identifying, monitoring and managing potential risks in order to minimize the negative impact or injury they may have on an organization. Examples of potential risks include injury to workers, security breaches, data loss, cyber attacks, system failures and natural disasters. The risk management procedure is gauged against the ISO standard 31000;2009.

ISO 31000:2009

Risk Methodology

Risk methodology is a process of how risk or hazards are identified, controlled and measured. Risk Management is referenced to the current Risk Management legislation that can be found in the ISO 31000:2009 standard. The Risk management methodology instructs the user how to conduct a risk assessment and document such inspections.      

ISO 31000:2009

Hierarchy of Control (HOC)

HOC, is a method of dealing with and assessing hazard/risk systematically. The HOC can be  broken down into the following:

1. Elimination - the most effective from of control by eliminating the hazard/s.

2. Substitution - Substitute the hazard with something safer.

3. Isolation - Isolate the hazard from workers (barriers are an example of isolation). 

4. Engineering - re design or introduce plant and equipment with safety devices, or  mechanical aids that control risk.  An example would be a trolley or hoist to limit manual handling risk

5. Administration controls - such as training, consultation PPE gear etc.


Safety Inspections 

A safety inspection is a formalized and properly documented process of identifying hazards in the workplace. Safety inspections come in all different forms depending on the environment being tested, but they generally compare results against acceptable standards to ensure that a given environment falls within acceptable safety limits.


Safety Observations

Observations are an opportunity to specifically point out the positive things a person is doing for his own safety. Emphasis should be placed on reinforcing what the worker is doing right to ensure he is not just being lucky when it comes to injury prevention.


Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) & Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

A Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS), Job Safety & Environment Analysis (JSEA) or Job Safety Analysis (JSA) are effective document that records how a worker/company  has identified and controls risk associated with a job activity. The SWMS/JSA should display the job steps (of the intending work activity), the identified hazard/risk relative to the job activity and the control measures of each identified hazard; the control measures are often measured using a risk matrix. A  completed SWMS should display controls via the Hierarchy of Control as a means of controlling hazard/risk. A completed SWMS/JSA provides documented evidence as to how a worker has identified and control risk associated with work activities. A SWMS/JSA is completed via legislative requirements and is part (at tool) of the Risk Management Procedure.

The SWMS/s provided must be completed, signed and dated and reflect the current job tasks.

Site Specific Traffic Management Plan

A documented Site Specific Traffic Management Plan (SSTMP) is a plan that specifically focuses on the risks/hazards and controls associated with vehicle and pedestrian movement/s relative to the job activity that maybe taking place. Such a plan, should identify all foreseeable hazards associated where there is a risk between light and heavy vehicles (inclusive of Plant and equipment), pedestrians and vehicles (inclusive of Plant and Equipment), and is used to control and manage traffic flow. Such a SSTMP should be regularly monitored and reviewed as the job progresses or changes and educated to all workers that are involved in the project.   


Site Supervisor

A site supervisor is a person who has been given the control and supervision of a work site. Often, the position is the responsibility of a senior worker or person who has qualifications;  such as a senior trade or job specialist. The site supervisor is responsible for ensuring that work is carried out in a safer manner. 


Sub-contractor Management Procedure 

Is a procedure that is usually found a company's WHS Management Plan where a company employs contractors (including sub contractors).The procedure is usually robust in the onboarding of contractors, training, control, measurement and review and the procedure includes such things as contractual agreements etc. Subcontractors are deemed a worker under the act and company's have responsibilities to ensure that subcontractors work safely.

How you engage and communicate site requirements and the business requirements to sub-contractors

Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR)

The total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR), or total recordable injury rate, is the number of fatalities, lost time injuries, substitute work, and other injuries requiring treatment by a medical professional per million hours worked.

TRIFR is a lagging indicator of safety, meaning it represents the company's past safety performance

Work, Health & Safety Audit (WHS Audit)

A WHS audit is the measurement of how a company's WHS management system is aligned and measured against legislative requirements and standards. Generally, WHS Audit tool maybe created against the AS/NZS 4801:2001 standard and standards that are within the workscope of the company. Many organisations require a WHS audit to be conducted when there is a need to provide continual improvement and measurement/assurance to businesses when they are proposing to do work with/tender for work. Other company's have their WHS Management System audited as a best practice measure.

The goal of a health and safety audit is to assist in the continuous improvement of your company’s OHS procedures.

Work Health & Safety Communication (WHS Communication)Plan

A communication plan is a policy-driven approach to providing stakeholders with information. The plan formally defines who should be given specific information, when that information should be delivered and what communication channels will be used to deliver the information.

Consultation can be as simple as talking to workers regularly and considering their views when making health and safety decisions.

Work Health & Safety Performance Indicators (WHS Performance Indicators)

A performance indicator or key performance indicator (KPI) is a type of performance measurement. A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. Organizations use KPI's to evaluate their success at reaching targets. Each department will use different KPI types to measure success based on specific business goals and targets.

These are often the company's "Lag and Lead" Indicators

Risk Register

Is a register that identifies all foreseeable risk associated with the work scope that the company may conduct.  A risk register should identify the risk/hazard and include measurement and  controls.   Such controls would include things like training, specific plant and equipment etc. The risk register is used inline with the company's risk management procedure and should be reviewed.


A WHS Policy

A WHS Policy is a document that is found in a WHS management system and is usually displayed and  made available to workers. The Policy should display overall objectives and sets out the organization's commitment to health and safety. The Policy should reflect section 4.2 of the AS/NZS 4801:2001 standard, be endorsed  and dated by senior management.

AS/NZS section 4.2 4801:2001

Training Register

A training register is a record of workers qualifications and includes expiry dates. A maintained training register ensures that workers remain compliant and licenced to complete the work activity. Evidence of a completed (maintained) training register is often required for prequalification evidence. 



A worker is a person who carries our work in any capacity for a person conducting a business or undertaking. The definition of a worker includes;  an employee, contractor, sub contractor, employee of a sub contractor or contractor and/or a volunteer.

Section 7 of the WHS Act 2011

Hot Works 

Any work activity that involve, arc welding, cutting and gouging; gas welding and Flame cutting; brazing and soldering; metal preparation processes; metal work in confined spaces. A hot work procedure should reflect the requirements found in the code of practice for conducting hot works.


Safety Management System Review Example Questions


Safety Management System Example Questions

Answer Type / Expected Action

Conditions / Help Text

Does your company have a documented health and safety policy?

Health & Safety Policy upload

Does your company have a documented environmental policy?

Environmental Policy upload

Please provide a documented Hazard / Incident Reporting Procedure which must include the following:-

- Initial notification to Principal Contractor and regulators where required

- Completion of incident report

- Commitment to inform the Principal Contractor and the Regulator

- Identification of follow up / corrective actions

Hazard / Incident Reporting Procedure upload

Download a copy of the Hazard Incident Reporting template here

I/We acknowledge that all electrical equipment our employees use to perform works will be tested and tagged.

Electrical Test & Tag Records upload

Please note that the tag and test records will need to be loaded as one document

Will your employees be required to use fall prevention systems to perform work?

Yes / No

Are your employees trained in the use of fall prevention systems?

Yes / No

I/We acknowledge that all plant and equipment that requires periodic inspection/testing is being inspected/tested as required and relevant records maintained.

Plant & Equipment Inspection/Testing Register upload

Please note that the inspection records will need to be loaded as one document

Completed SWMS (or equivalent) must include the details below:

- Job details section

- Creation/issue date – required to be within the last 24 months

- Key Steps involved in task

- Hazards relating to tasks

- Control measures

- Risk Rating/s

- Person responsible for implementing controls

- Sign-off/acknowledgement section

Generic templates or hand-written job specific examples are acceptable.

Safe Work Method Statement / JSA Evidence upload

Please note that the SWMS will need to be loaded as one document

Are your employees required to use chemicals / solvents / substances  etc?

Yes / No

Are Safety Data Sheets readily accessible to your employees?

Yes / No

Will you be performing works on fuel service station sites?

Yes / No

I/we declare that all employees and sub-contractors who will carry out works on fuel service station sites are WPCG Certified.

Yes / No

Will your employees be required to perform work that requires a High Risk Work licence e.g. EWP, scaffolding etc?

Yes / No

Please attach a sample of a high risk work licence held by your employees or a register of licences held by your employees.
Samples can include a register with records or a  sample of a high-risk work licence.

Sample criteria:
- Containing the type of high risk work licence held
- Issue date
- Employee name

High-risk Register or Licence upload

Please note that the high risk licences will need to be loaded as one document

I/we declare that all employees are appropriately trained and competent for the work to be performed.

Yes / No

I/We declare that training/induction records are maintained for our employees relevant to their work and sites where duties are performed?

Yes / No

Do your employees require a specific qualification and/or licence for the work to be performed e.g. plumbing, electrical, refrigeration etc?

Yes / No

I/We declare that all employees are appropriately qualified and/or licenced for the work to be performed e.g. plumbing, electrical, refrigeration etc?

Yes / No

Please attach a sample of a qualification or licence held by an employee or a register of qualifications/licences held by your employees.

Sample can include a register with records or a sample of a qualification or licence.

Sample criteria:
- Type of work qualification / licence held
- Issue date (if applicable)
- Within expiry date (if applicable)
- Employee name

High-risk Register or Licence upload

Please note that the employee qualifications will need to be loaded as one document

In respect of health, safety and welfare matters, has your company been the recipient of Improvement or Prohibition Notices from regulatory authorities or subject to prosecution as a result of your undertakings in the last 3 years?

Yes / No

Please provide details of all Improvement/Prohibition Notices and prosecutions over the past 3 years.

Free Text

Please provide the name of your Company WHS Officer or Contact.

Free Text

Please provide a contact number for your Company WHS Officer or Contact.

Free Text

Please provide the position title of your WHS Officer or Contact.

Free Text

Please provide a contact email address for your WHS Officer or Contact.

Free Text

I/we declare that we use subcontractors to assist in providing services?

Yes / No

Will you monitor subcontractor performance to ensure risk assessments/Safe Work Method Statements are utilised for work to be performed?

Yes / No

I/we will ensure that all of our subcontractors are properly insured, licensed and trained to carry out the work they are engaged to perform.

I acknowledge and agree

Do you engage subcontractors to conduct Asbestos related works?

Yes / No

We acknowledge that when using subcontractors for Asbestos related works we will ensure that they are appropriately licensed and insured as per *Client name* requirements.

I agree

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