Construction Business Rules | Kent | High Risk

Construction Business Rules | Kent | High Risk

CompetencyBusiness Rule Re-Direction Link
High Risk Work.Licence.C0 - Slewing Mobile Crane over 100 tonnesPlease click here to be redirected to the Pegasus Workforce National Business Rules
High Risk Work.Licence.C1 - Slewing Mobile Crane up to 100 tonnes
High Risk Work.Licence.C2 - Slewing Mobile Crane up to 20 tonnes
High Risk Work.Licence.C6 - Slewing Mobile Crane up to 60 tonnes
High Risk Work.Licence.CB - Bridge & Gantry Crane
High Risk Work.Licence.CD - Derrick Crane
High Risk Work.Licence.CN - Non-Slewing Mobile Crane
High Risk Work.Licence.CP - Portal Boom Crane
High Risk Work.Licence.CS - Self Erecting Tower Crane
High Risk Work.Licence.CT - Tower Cranes
High Risk Work.Licence.CV - Vehicle Loading Crane
High Risk Work.Licence.DG - Dogging
High Risk Work.Licence.HM - Materials Hoist
High Risk Work.Licence.HP - Personnel & Materials Hoist
High Risk Work.Licence.LF - Forklift
High Risk Work.Licence.PB - Concrete Placing Boom
High Risk Work.Licence.RA - Advanced Rigging
High Risk Work.Licence.RB - Basic Rigging
High Risk Work.Licence.RI - Intermediate Rigging
High Risk Work.Licence.SA - Advanced Scaffolding
High Risk Work.Licence.SB - Basic Scaffolding
High Risk Work.Licence.SI - Intermediate Scaffolding
High Risk Work.Licence.WP - Boom Type Elevating Work Platform